Blog Post

A Bit of a SQL Saturday 99 Update…


I’ve been a bit busy while planning this year’s SQL Saturday in Minnesota.  Unfortunately, that hasn’t led to a lot of updates on our upcoming event.  On the plus side, I got married, had a honeymoon, and attended the best PASS Summit ever.  If you haven’t started thinking about it, check out the discounts on registration that you can get today.  Back on task though…


We are now about three weeks out from the event and it is shaping up to be the biggest SQL Saturday in Minnesota yet.  Two years ago, we have 100 people come together at the Microsoft offices for our first event.  Last year, we upgraded the event to a SQL Saturday, on a Friday, and brought out 250 people at Mystic Lake casino.  This year, we are 7 registrations away from 350 registered attendees.  If you were waiting until the last minute to register, now is that last minute.


For the last couple weeks, our speaker schedule has been up and available.  We have a number of national speakers coming to town to present along with a few new local speakers.  Take a look today to start planning out the sessions that you’d like to see.  To make the event as well rounded as possible, we are featuring 7 tracks.  There are two business intelligence, two database administration, two SQL developer, and a professional development track.

To make it easier to plan your day, our SQL Saturday event has been uploaded to Guidebook.  If you have a smartphone or tablet, you can download all of the information for the event and get updates to the schedule as they are published.

There’s a lot more going on with the event at the moment, but I’ll save some of those details for the next post.

Related posts:

  1. SQL Saturday 58 Schedule Released
  2. Announcing SQL Saturday #99
  3. SQL Saturday Glory


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