Technical Article

Failed Job Notification

This script notifies the DBA or Developers with the list of failed jobs. This script useful if you want to use either Mater-Target server option or even single server to monitor the Target servers jobs. You must have SQL MAIL configured on the SQL Server.

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2006-02-20 (first published: )

2,074 reads

Technical Article

Delete Old backup Files

The following script deletes files in the specified folder, older than specified no of days and outputs the details to the specified file location. I use this VB script to delete some old backup files those can't be deleted with the regular maintenance plans. All you need to do is to supply the backup folder […]

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2006-01-20 (first published: )

1,726 reads

Technical Article

Database File(s) Growth Notification

This stored proc notify the user(s) if the data/log file grew. When you execute it for the first time it will get the data/log files sizes and inserts in a table. Next time when you run the script if will compare the current size with the previous files size. This script must need sqlmail configured […]

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Technical Article

Errorlog Notification

This script Notifies the user(s) whenever there is an Error logged in the Error message. It excludes the Error messages 15457 and 1073759806. These 2 Errors can be ignored. (I know we like to keep our Elogs clean but for some time you need to yield to them J ). You’ll see the first error […]

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