Kathi Kellenberger

Kathi Kellenberger is a Sr. Consultant with Pragmatic Works. She is an author, speaker and trainer.
  • Interests: Walking, running, grandchildren!

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Query Tuning Assistant: A Tool for Upgrades

If you have been working with SQL Server long enough, you have probably been involved with a SQL Server 2000 to 2005 upgrade. It was painful for many shops due to the deprecation of some features like DTS and the removal of old-fashioned comma joins with the plus operator. It was worth the pain as […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Doing the Right Thing

From the time you rise in the morning until you close your eyes at night, your day is filled with thousands of small decisions, many that you don’t even think about. For each decision that you make, there is a probably a good choice and a poor choice available. Most of the time, the good […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

PASS Summit 2018 Recap

This year, PASS celebrated the 20th PASS Summit. As it has been many times, this year’s Summit was held in Seattle. PASS Summit has visited other locations such as Orlando and Charlotte, but, at least to me, it feels like home when it’s hosted in Seattle. For those of us who have participated for many […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Explaining Our Professions to Our Parents

Have you ever had a difficult time explaining what your job entails to your parents or other family members? You may be working in a field that didn’t exist 20 years ago, such as mobile device development, or your job may be so specialized that non-technical people will never understand. Now that my job title […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

What Should You Look for in a SQL Monitoring Tool?

Performance is a common reason to monitor SQL Server. The work day of a database administrator is often interrupted with unexpected calls about slowness in applications or reports. But, how does the performance today compare to the performance last week or last month? Can the root cause of the issue be traced to the database […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

SQL Server Gets Smarter and Smarter

With each recent version of SQL Server, Microsoft has added features that can be used to improve query performance with much less effort than traditional index and query tuning require. First was Query Store, introduced with 2016. When enabled, this feature allows you to easily find regression in query performance due to changing execution plans. […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

SQL Community

Back in my early days as a database administrator, almost 16 years ago, I happened upon a web site called SQL Server Central. Because I found so many useful articles and forum posts, the site was open in my browser at work every single day. It was a great source of information, and eventually, I […]

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Why Data Analysts Love PostgreSQL (and You Will Too!)


Data analysis is all about wrangling massive datasets. To do that efficiently, you need...

How to Connect Your WordPress Site to the Fediverse


Make it easier for your audience to engage with you by connecting your site...

What I learned volunteering at a children's summer camp


 "Stories are where memories go when they are forgotten" - Doctor Who.(2024-Sep-13) As September quickly...

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