Technical Article

Extract More Than 1000 Active Directory Accounts

This is a simple method to load a SQL database with active directory account information without running into the 1000 record limit.  You will need to change the SERVERNAME, PORT, DATABASENAME, USERID, AND PASSWORD values in the connection strings to your own values.  You will also need to change the LDAP connection string values ('LDAP://SERVERNAME/ou=OUName,dc=host,dc=domain,dc=tld') […]

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2011-11-21 (first published: )

2,798 reads

Technical Article

Change to readable date format

Trigger to insert date into table in the form of01/01/00 12:00:00instead of SQL standard date format2000-01-01 12:00:00.000This allows easily comparing to or updating based onOracle date formats or a readable format for the web.triggername - name of the triggerTABLENAME - name of the table that trigger is created onCOLUMNNAME - name of column in TABLENAME […]

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2006-08-21 (first published: )

469 reads


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