SQLServerCentral Article

How to find that job is running?


After my article publication in SQLServerCentral.com  http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/lPeysakhovich/controllingunusuallylongrunningjobs.asp 

I received few emails from the readers who informed me about misleading part in the article.   

“In addition, changes can be done to help analyze those job steps which are still running but duration of the step is already unusually long. It can be achieved by adding additional criteria to the select statement for the field run_status. 

Simply exchange line

and soh.run_status = 1 -- successful jobs

with line

and ( soh.run_status = 1 or soh.run_status = 4 ) -- successful and in

progress jobs “

I am giving my apologies to the public, because I didn’t check this

statement but simply rely on the Microsoft documentation in book on line (BOL).

In reality, SQL Server is not using this flag to measure the job progress. This

is will be one of the many reasons for me to check all the statements and BOL

next time. But for sake of error correction and to finalize the previous article

I would like to show the way of checking a situation to define if job is


In addition, there is an article written by Gregory A. Larsen. http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/10894_3491201_2 

His article shows how to find that any job is running.  But to give

the answer "Is job running?" for the particular job the article is

using undocumented stored procedure xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs. Microsoft SQL Server

has always had nifty undocumented functions that people are tempting to use.

However, Microsoft has always recommended not using those functions because they

can change in future releases. Using undocumented features rarely burning DBA.

But with SQL Server 2005 it may be the issue. 

The usage of  system stored procedure sp_help_job which returns

information about jobs that are used by SQLServerAgent service to perform

automated activities in Microsoft® SQL Server™  has some limitations if

you need to find the answer for the particular job. (Read details in Gregory A.

Larsen article. See the link above). Is there any way  to find the 

state of a particular job without usage of undocumented stored procedure? This

is the article about.

Let’s assume that a job has few steps. Those steps are written in system

table sysjobsteps in database msdb. When a job is running SQL Server is writing

each ended step into msdb..sysjobhistory. By getting the last step, time, and

status of the step it is possible to get the status of the job. First, we need

to know the last time the job was running. Programmatically, you can analyze the

job schedule, but it is not very reliable way because sometimes the job can be

enforced to run manually. The best way is to look for the keyword '(Job

outcome)' in sysjobhistory table because this is a keyword of the last entered

step for the job in the table  and

the entry should have the maximum value in the column instance_id. Instance_id

is numeric column in the table sysjobhistory and gets always (max + 1 ) value.

Next statement will return all the steps the job already finished during the

current run.


select * from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh
inner join sysjobs sj 
on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id
 where sj.name = 'job1'  
 and sjh.instance_id >  (select max(instance_id)     from sysjobhistory  sjh1
                                       where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)' and sjh1.job_id = sj.job_id )

As always, there are some obstacles and issues. If the statement returns no

rows there are two possible logical outcomes. Or job is done, or job is running

the very first step. Again the dilemma - how to know what is true? In the case you really need to know the answer reliably, my

suggestion would be to add the first

step for a job as a quick running fake step. For example, step will

consists of one statement   SELECT

getdate(). This step whether failed or succeeded  will go to the next job

step and table

sysjobhistory will get the first step entry indicating that the job is

started. This row will be the outcome of the query above and let us know that

the job is started and running. For all SQL statements below there is an

assumption that all jobs have a fake initial step. Otherwise, the behavior of those

statements may be different if job is running step 1. 

Next issue is to get the step where job is right now. Based on the statement

above we know that the job is running and the steps that is successfully

finished or failed. The determination of the next running step is related to the

output values from table sysjobsteps. Based on SQL Server BOL (verified) next

definitions can be made.

[@on_success_action =] success_action

Is the action to perform if the step succeeds. success_action

is tinyint, and can be one of these values.


Description (action)

1 (default)

Quit with success


Quit with failure


Go to next step


Go to step on_success_step_id

 [@on_success_step_id =] success_step_id

Is the ID of the step in this job to execute if the step

succeeds and success_action is 4. success_step_id is int,

with a default of 0.

[@on_fail_action =] fail_action

Is the action to perform if the step fails. fail_action is

tinyint, and can be one of these values.


Description (action)


Quit with success

2 (default)

Quit with failure


Go to next step


Go to step on_fail_step_id

 [@on_fail_step_id =] fail_step_id

Is the ID of the step in this job to execute if the step fails and fail_action is 4. fail_step_id is int, with a default of 0.

Next batch allows to return information about the next running step.


declare @step_id int, @run_status int, @next_runstep int, @jobname varchar(128), @jobid uniqueidentifier 

declare @step_action int , @next_step_id int

set @jobname = 'job1' 

-- get the job id

select @jobid = job_id  from sysjobs  where name = @jobname 

-- Find the last running step

select @step_id = max(step_id)  from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh  where job_id = @jobid 

and sjh.instance_id >  (select max(instance_id)  from sysjobhistory  sjh1

where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)' and sjh1.job_id = @jobid ) 

-- Get the step status

select @run_status = run_status

from sysjobhistory sjh

where job_id = @jobid and step_id = @step_id

and instance_id > (select max(instance_id)

from sysjobhistory  sjh1

where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)' and sjh1.job_id = @jobid)   

-- get the action for the last finished step

select @step_action = CASE

WHEN @run_status = 1 THEN on_success_action

ELSE on_fail_action


@next_step_id  = CASE     

WHEN @run_status = 1 THEN on_success_step_id

ELSE on_fail_step_id


from msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps   

where job_id = @job_id and step_id = @step_id

-- Based on the status find the next step job is running

select @next_runstep = CASE

WHEN @step_action in (1,2) THEN @step_id

-- this is the last step

WHEN @step_action = 3 THEN @step_id + 1

-- next step

WHEN @step_action = 4 THEN @next_step_id

-- Go to step on_fail_step_id


-- unknown step


SELECT 'Step number ' + cast(@next_runstep as varchar) + ' is running for the job ' + @jobname



based on the batch above, we can find the actual step job is running and get an

answer if job is really running. It is looks logically to create a stored

procedure if you need the information about the step the job is running. 


the question is only “Whether the job is running?” then the best choice is

to use the first statement (STATEMENT 1) and based on the outcome (returned

number of rows) get the answer. If there are no rows returned then the job is

not running. Otherwise job is running. 


if the requirement is to find whether the any job is running or not? For

example, before the server automated weekly maintenance started it may necessary

to have this information. 

select sj.job_id, sj.name, sjh.step_name from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

inner join sysjobs sj  on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id

where sjh.instance_id >   (select max(instance_id)    from sysjobhistory  sjh1

where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)'

and sjh1.job_id = sjh.job_id


And the only issue left with the jobs that run the first time. They don’t have '(Job outcome)' row(s) yet. Next query will combine together both scenarios for one particular job. 

IF exists ( select * from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh   

inner join sysjobs sj  on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id

where sj.name = 'job3' 

and step_name = '(Job outcome)' )

select * from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh 

inner join sysjobs sj 

on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id

where sj.name = 'job3' 

and sjh.instance_id > (select max(instance_id)

from sysjobhistory  sjh1

where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)' and sjh1.job_id = sj.job_id ) 


select * from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

inner join sysjobs sj on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id 

where sj.name = 'job3'

Or to see any running job steps: 

select sj.job_id, sj.name, sjh.step_name

from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

inner join sysjobs sj  on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id

where sjh.instance_id >   (select max(instance_id)   from sysjobhistory sjh1

where sjh1.step_name = '(Job outcome)' 

and sjh1.job_id = sjh.job_id ) 


select sj.job_id, sj.name, sjh.step_name from dbo.sysjobhistory sjh

inner join sysjobs sj  on sj.job_id = sjh.job_id

where sjh.step_name <> '(Job outcome)'

and  sjh.instance_id =   ( select max(instance_id)

from sysjobhistory  sjh1

where sjh1.job_id = sjh.job_id )


As an example, even software companies (surprise!) have the outdated

information in the documentation. So, always check your statements to avoid the

code multifunction that may lead to some degree disaster. 


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