Technical Article

WebService - Enabling SQL Server 2005 Procedures

One of the most interesting features that I'll explore is that you can now create WebServices in the database tier directly, without resorting to "add ons" or even the use of IIS at all. One of the many extensions to Transact SQL is the new CREATE ENDPOINT statement, which allows the developer to create an endpoint directly from SQL Server 2005, which hooks right into the Kernel Mode HTTP.SYS driver, exposing functions and stored procedures written either in T-SQL or native CLR methods/classes.

SQLServerCentral Article

Basics of C2 Auditing

Auditing in SQL Server is something that is becoming more and more prevelant, and will likely become more regulated over time. Dinesh Asanka brings us a new article on the basics of SQL Servers most powerful auditing configuration, C2 level auditing.

Technical Article

An Overview of SQL Server 2005 for the Database Developer

With the release of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2, the world of database development is changing. As a database developer, you now have the option to appropriately locate your code in relation to its functionality, to access data in native formats such as XML, and to build complex systems that are driven by the power of the database server. Database development is becoming more integrated than ever before, and all of the tools that you need are available right at your fingertips.

SQLServerCentral Article

Identifying Blocking Locks

Blocks in SQL Server can cause untold amounts of pain and headache, mostly because they are so transient and often when you go to look for them, they have been released on whatever object you are researching. Author Eli Leiba has writeen a short piece on how you can automate the search for blocking locks and help you as a DBA be proactive in identifying them.


SQL Data Pipelines: The Ultimate Guide to Streamlining Your Data Flow


Want to build a data analytics foundation that transforms raw data into valuable business...

Using SQL Compare in Read-Only Databases


Recently a customer asked if SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare can be used...

T-SQL Tuesday #179 Roundup: The Data Detective Toolkit


Earlier this month, I hosted the monthly T-SQL Tuesday invitation in which I asked,...

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