Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: TSQL

    select, i.rows

    from sysobjects o, sysindexes i

    where =

    and i.indid < 2 and o.xtype = 'u'

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    How do i determine which service pack is installed on the client??

    On the server however i can determine that by using

    select serverproperty('productlevel') as ServicePackLevel

    Again, the Remote server runs...

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    Hi ,

    By same version you mean the clent&server need to have the same service packs??

  • RE: Question in Cursor

    probably will have to force our selves to believ e that it happens that way:D

    perhaps there could be no other explaination :hehe:

  • RE: Question in Cursor


    You mean to say at the time of the 1st fetch the row pointer is before the first record and the 1st fetch makes it to come to the first??


  • RE: Debugging an SP


    Thanks for your help...

    when i went through the last link (from code project) they had told us to execute sp_sdidebug 'LEGACY_ON' and when i did that and tried to step...

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    On a remote server...but my log in id has accees to SP_Sdidebug

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    Nope..Still no luck....BTW what are the statements on which i can place a breakpoint??

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    I have put it on an IF loop...also tried putting it on a Select @var=" so and so"" statement.

  • RE: Debugging an SP

    I supply the values when the SP is in debug mode and then when i execute the SP with breakpoints it just returns a null resultset with column headers alone...It...

  • RE: Excel report form an SP


    Thanks for your inputs..

    The first link does'nt show anything on excel based reports...the second one has a few pointers...

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)