Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)

  • RE: Hierarchy Traversal

    Thanks Mark, this works great! Can I as how or why it works though I can't quite figure it out reading the code (not the code's fault). Is...

  • RE: parsing example

    If you have 2005 Enterprise edition, look into the fuzzy match component of SSIS. It can handle this type of compairson nicely. It's also available for other editions,...

  • RE: If data value has 8 characters, show middle six.

    Declare @ColumnName varchar(20)

    Set @ColumnName = 'abcdefgh'



    When Len(@ColumnName) = 8 Then substring(@ColumnName,2,6)

    --Assumes you want to remove the last charater at a length of 7

    When Len(@ColumnName) = 7 Then substring(@ColumnName,1,6)


  • RE: CONVERT from minutes to hours

    I think he is refering to

    LT.Quantity % 60 AS Minutes

    So if your quantity as 72 you could have

    Hours Minutes

    1 ...

  • RE: Join three tables and

    Did you check that only table 1 and 3 are mentioned in the join clause for table 3?







    Left Outer Join Table2 On

    Table1.TableKey = Table2.TableKey

    Left Outer Join Table3 On

    Table1.TableKey = Table3.TableKey


  • RE: Customer Ranking

    Thanks Jeff, I might have to take you up on that idea just because I LOVE the artical title so much!


  • RE: Customer Ranking

    Jeff Moden (9/13/2008)

    Also, if you don't mind... you said it took a 1 minute and 9 seconds to process 9600 rows your way. Please let me know how long...

  • RE: Customer Ranking

    Maybe this can show the percentages better.

    High 1952

    % Of Total High...

  • RE: Customer Ranking

    Ah, I think see the confusion. I need the distibution by sales not by the number of customers in each group. See my post above for it....

  • RE: Customer Ranking

    This would be my ideal ranking. Using the 2008 year as an example

    Select 6,1028,'High' union all

    Select 2,924,'High' union all

    Select 3,862,'Medium' union all

    Select 4,724,'Medium' union all

    Select 5,628,'Medium' union all

    Select 1,569,'Low' union...

  • RE: Customer Ranking

    I thought about that, the problem is it doesn't divide the Sum([2008]) for example into 3 approximately even groups. If you look at the output from the query you...

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)