Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 46 total)

  • RE: Insertion using linked server.

    I mean to say that I used to insert data into the remote table using this procedure.

    I also tried to insert just one row and it still gives me the...

  • RE: Insertion using linked server.

    Thanks for the reply Elutin,

    1. Actually, I can run a simple select query on the linked server specified above.

    2. I dont think permissions might be the problem because, I did...

  • RE: Index fragmentation.

    I am just trying to copy the data and delete it for 5 day periods.

    But, one of my friend suggested 'Sliding Window Partition'.

    But I dont know about it.....and how it...

  • RE: out of disk space.

    Actually, My C drive is 40 gb ... and

    I see some users have lots of data like around 11 gb of data on their personilized desktops...

    I dont know If...

  • RE: Linked server connection issue.

    Teradata is the name of the linked server that I provided...

    its not the data source.

  • RE: Linked server connection issue.

    I tried to use MS OLEDB provider for odbc devices....

    and it gives me the following error.

    any ideas on this error.?

    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "TERADATA" returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC...

  • RE: production database log full

    Thank you Lynn

    That was apt solution for my problem..

    I changer the recovery mode to simple and back to full and it worked gud..

    one of my friend suggested me to use...

  • RE: transaction log full

    Actually , I first tried to shrink the log and data file using dbcc shrinkfile command.

    But after using the command both the data and log file sizes got increased.

    I understand...

  • RE: transaction log full

    I had a suggestion to put the database in simple recovery mode and then shrink the transaction log file

    I dont know what impact does it has on the size...

  • RE: transaction log full

    yes, this is the information I was looking for..

    thanks very much bro.

  • RE: transaction log full

    Thanks you david,

    The information is really help full.

    My Sr.dba says we can truncate the log no backup is required.

    can you suggest me the best practice for truncating the log.

    My plan...

  • RE: transaction log full


    I can back up the log. But, it is not necessary.

    and the database is in full recovery mode.

    But can u give me both the scenarios like

    what should I do...

  • RE: Performance issue due to index fragmentation.

    Thanks to all for the replies.

    I ran the query





    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(' dbname '),OBJECT_ID(' table a '),NULL, NULL, 'limited') AS a

    JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON

    a.object_id =...

  • RE: Performance issue due to index fragmentation.

    I did check in activity monitor for locks by process.

    I found one of the job1 which inserts the data into table'A' is holding a

    IX lock on the table.

    this job1 is...

  • RE: Performance issue due to index fragmentation.

    I tried to query the fragmentation stats on that table.






    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(' DB '),OBJECT_ID(' Table'A' '),NULL, NULL, NULL) AS a

    JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON

    a.object_id = b.object_id...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 46 total)