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  • Reply To: Data type for large text.

    Thanks. I don't think it has unicode but I'm not sure what exactly that is and I haven't been able to find any good samples by googling.

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    Is this it?


    local security policy

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    It took 38 seconds to run it this time. 30896798.

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    Even just doing a count(*) on table is different. Faster one takes 1 second and slower takes 16 seconds.

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    it creates a new table every week when they import the file. The ceo wanted the server to not be on a network so the text file is placed on...

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question


    101recovery interval (min)00327670Maximum recovery interval in minutes11
    102allow updates0010Allow updates to system tables10
    103user connections00327670Number of user connections allowed01
    106locks0500021474836470Number of locks for all users01
    107open objects0021474836470Number of open database objects01
  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    How do I show the output for the SELECT * FROM sys.configurations query? Can I attach an excel spreadsheet?


    Faster - Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (RTM-GDR) (KB4505224) - 14.0.2027.2 (X64)   Jun...

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    It is KB.

    No the files are on the C drive only for both servers.

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    Sure, I'm just not sure what all you need. The text file size is 2995902. and it is around 30 columns. Both servers are running the exact same bulk insert...

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    They have office installed because this place uses the server like a big desktop. The faster one has a Local Disk C drive and a DATA D drive. The slower...

  • Reply To: Sql Server Specs Question

    File is in a folder on C drive for both. How do I configure the drives and compare performane? Sorry, I'm not a dba at all and got handed this...

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  smattiko83.
  • Reply To: NPI Data

    Thanks again for all your help. Did the sample look ok?

  • Reply To: NPI Data

    It seemed to work if I change the rowterminator to below. Does the sample look right?


    ,ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0a'

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  smattiko83.
    You must be logged in to view attached files.
  • Reply To: NPI Data

    It still didn't work without the powershell. Is the attached what I need to do for the powershell? It doesn't seem to do anything.

  • Reply To: NPI Data

    Thanks. For the powershell part, do I need to modify it for my PC or what do I need to do?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)