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  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    After I posted the last bit I had ideas of improving the code like

    With PivotedCTE(Group1,Group2,Group3,Group4) as

    (select coalesce([1],0) as Group1,coalesce([2],0) as Group2,coalesce([3],0) as Group3,coalesce([4],0) as Group4 from

    (Select iGroup,id from SivaTest) ...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    After the test Livingstone did I changed my code so that it does not scan twice and this is the code

    With GroupCTE(iGroup,nCount) as

    (SELECT igroup,COUNT(id) FROM SivaTest group by igroup),

    PivotedCTE(Group1,Group2,Group3,Group4) as


  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    yes I have but I dont know how to get the stats etc

    I get your point.

    I will try

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    What I meant was that it didnt read it twice because of my Group and Pivot policy

    It read twice because of the UNION

    if Livinstone will let me have the stats...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    What I would like to know Livingstone is if everything imroves if we take the UNION out

    I think then it will half in time

    If it did that i can suggest...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    As I said before my background is from else where

    Can you explin to me what the stats shows ?

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    are you saying my method was faster even with the UNION ?

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    If effeincey was the objective the C++ lanaguage would have been kicked in the first place. All object oriented lanaguages added so much to burden for the application. But we...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    I may be defensive but I am commited to my methods. No one is going to changing that

    SQL Databse was based on Matahematical principles. The solutions we are suggesting are...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    I am pursuing my methods and developing applications

    The T SQL Logic which every one seems to want is effient code

    What they dont seem to reaalise is that it is becoming...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    Ok I get it now. You had posted the solution earlier on which I had not tested or Sree had accepted

    The thread continued for another 2 pages after my...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    Then and now, I try to solve the problem mathematically and then write the TSQL

    That would always get a solution but might be heavy on resources

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    yes I have read it quickly but will read it at leisure sometime

    However there was a topic few days back and that was my first time on this site and...

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    I accept that the first method is best

    Can we leave it at that

  • RE: Multiple count() in a single SQL

    Line by Line code in Applications software is not thought of as good practice. It must be done in logical For next Loops etc and broken down niceley

    I agree...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 70 total)