Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 127 total)

  • RE: Upper/lower case text

    So much help now my head is spinning! Thanks

    How do i declare @OriginalText to be an actual field that alread exists?

    Thanks again.

  • RE: Upper/lower case text

    Thanks for both the replies.

    I really like that function. How do i declare @OriginalText to be an actual field that alread exists?

    Thanks again.

  • RE: Update using a Select Query

    That worked great, thank you.

  • RE: Incrementing a field

    No, just this table, it's not to make it relational, my requirements are simple I have a table that is relational to other tables but based on an already existing...

  • RE: Incrementing a field

    Thank you for your help but the answer that i needed was this so i help it helps someone else.

    alter table yourtable

    add autonumber int identity(1,1)


  • RE: Advanced Query Question

    Great feed back thank you.

  • RE: Advanced Query Question

    Thanks for this.

    Could you do me a favour? I'm not getting my head round how this works.

    The part of my query below is the bit that works out if...

  • RE: Advanced Query Question

    Well this does not matter in this instance i know they are unique based on their stu_id and i just want their contact deatils to populate the wce_contact tables.


  • RE: Advanced Query Question

    I have just been checking the data and can see the query provided by malcolm.o-nions has duplicate rows, i think this is because the wce_ilr table can have multiple rows...

  • RE: Advanced Query Question

    Thank you for your reply. I ran the select part of your script and it looks good but when i run the select on the script i posted the results...

  • RE: Select Update

    Thanks for the reply, i will work through it and see if i can re-work this. Unfortunatly there is no direct link between the contact and sales table. To link...

  • RE: Exists Update Issue

    Thanks Gail, i over looked all the detail and thought it was the same... Anyway worked perfectly, thanks for teaching me that.

  • RE: Exists Update Issue

    Thanks for both the replies, i kind of see what your saying but if i try either of the following i still get all my rows updated. not jsut the...

  • RE: Exists Update Issue

    Sorry, i copied the wrong query, this is the update query.

    UPDATE wce_contact

    SET user1 = 'prospect Bath'


    (SELECT h.NOTES, c.user1

    FROM ...

  • RE: Delete Join

    Thanks for that, i'll have a read. In answer to your questions

    Is there a foreign key between the 2 tables? there is no foreign key

    Is it possible for a record...

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 127 total)