Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 90 total)

  • RE: Records from yesterday if not monday

    ALZDBA (7/14/2011)

    just to add to the replies ...

    1) of course. Your operator is ">=" !

    You should alter it with a ">=" and "<" ( between can have...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data


    I have uploaded two spreadsheets one shows the acutal results and the other expected results. The example invoice is number 132887, you can see the differences.

    There is also two...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Many thanks for your help :-D, but it is still not what I need.

    I have uploaded a spreadsheet that shows the difference. Invoice ID 135393 only has one purchase...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    thanks for update Jeff, it is more like.

    invoice_id Line_id











    And you got gets an error when I compile...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Sorry I thought it was clear, the previous provided SQL script is almost exactly what I need.

    I have attached a excel spreadsheet that show the format of invoice that...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Can you explain the end of the second case statement, why the it has

    'END AS [Invoice Date], Account,ApproveDate', but the first case only has [Invoice Date]?(what do you have...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    David Burrows (7/7/2011)

    1. where in the code do I put the alias i need for the column names, eg. issue date as Invoice Date.

    Just add the alias to the end...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Jeff Moden (7/7/2011)

    ringovski (7/6/2011)

    Not sure you mean by DDL & DML, but here are the table specs.

    Take a look at the first link in my signature line below... it'll help...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Thanks David and opc.three you guys are awesome, it seem to give the basic structure I need even though I don't understand the code that well.

    A couple of questions

    1. where...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    opc.three (7/6/2011)

    ringovski (7/5/2011)

    Jeff Moden (7/5/2011)

    It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    Jeff Moden (7/5/2011)

    It may make a difference...

    Where will the result set of this query be used? In a reporting tool? In a GUI? or ???

    I am...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    No I don't want a cross join I was only trying to reference the companies table as it is used in the lower join.

    SELECT ...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    I was trying to avoid putting everything in the group by, which why i put the invoice_lines columns in a nested select. I orginally had it with the invoice_head columns...

  • RE: SQL Grouping Data

    This might be "Concatenating values when the number of items is not known" never done that before.

  • RE: SSIS derived column replace with

    I worked it out, the problem was the string were delceared as variables.

    This works,

    ([DivisionCode]=="MV"?"Mediavest":([DivisionCode]=="SC"?"Starcom - Non Tech":[DivisionCode]=="SP"?"Starcom - P&G":[DivisionCode]=="ST"?"Starcom - Tech":"Starcom - Non Tech"))

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 90 total)