Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 75 total)

  • RE: Tips to Optimize Your SQL Statements - Part 2

    "You can change the Optimize for Ad hoc Workloads to True.This setting will not have a direct performance impact on SELECTS, however it will improve the efficiency of the plan...

  • RE: Small Leadership

    I would like to recommend a recent book on this topic - "Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek.

    My own view is that one cannot be a good manager without some...

  • RE: Understanding Graphical Execution Plans - Part 1: Explaining the Plan

    "If an object in the query does not exist, the validation fails and no estimated plan is created"

    Is something executed in this case, i.e. is there an actual execution plan?

  • RE: Understanding T-SQL Expression Short-Circuiting

    There is at least one exception to your statement "order of expressions, which is always left to right for procedural programming languages. " and that is APL which evaluates right...

  • RE: INSERT Statement

    You could do something like

    insert into tab1

    select ________ from tab2


    select ________ from tab1

  • RE: Time Out Limit for Statement Optimization

    Thanks for the replies. I wonder if adjusting this 'parameter' might be in the cards for a future release ? (My googling indicated it is an adjustable parameter in...

  • RE: Using FULL JOINs to Compare Datasets

    Good article, but are you actually creating random numbers in your example, using NewID()? Random and pseudo-random numbers have properties that this technique may not create.

  • RE: Calendar Tables

    We advocate and use the calendar table approach too. We deal with reams (tech term) of daily financial data and this approach makes many difficult things easier and some...

  • RE: File Groups

    Got this one wrong. I figured since there was a contradiction in the statement, SQL should complain. Why does it choose FG1 over FG2? Seems arbitrary to...

  • RE: SQL LEN Function

    Also, LEN counts trailing tabs, but not spaces.

  • RE: Log Shipping with New Filegroup

    Here's the error detail:

    Directory lookup for the file "F:\SQLDATA\scratch2.ndf"

    failed with the operating system error 3(The system cannot

    find the path specified.). File 'testdat2' cannot be

    restored to 'F:\SQLDATA\scratch2.ndf'. Use WITH...

  • RE: Log Shipping with New Filegroup

    Thanks for the reply.

    The source machine's files are on drive F: which does not exist on the target machine. To me this explains why the file wasn't created on...

  • RE: T-SQL Code Optimizers

    The 3rd party tool used was TOAD; neither freeware nor shareware but they do offer a free trial for 30 days.

  • RE: T-SQL Code Optimizers

    Thank you Gail and Chris for responding to this.

    There are only 2 ways we are using this view (now) - pulling data for a single day or pulling a subset...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 75 total)