Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)

  • RE: HELP --- SQL Programming

    update table

    set ProgStartDT = (

    select top 1 ProjStartDT

    from table where projstartdt is not null

    order by ProjProjID desc)

    where ProgStartDT is null

    Are you looking for something like that?

    The other option is to...

  • RE: Sql server 2000

    create procedure y


    create table #tmp( empid int, column int)

    insert into #tmp

    exec x

    select * from #tmp

    select sum(empid) from #tmp


    This will work as long as #tmp has the same definition as...

  • RE: Foreign keys good or bad practice?

    Foreign keys rule in development databases.

    Where I have always ran into problems with them in production. When a table has a foreign key you can't pull the table from a...

  • RE: Hundreds of unique tables

    are you talking about something like

    select *

    into #x

    from (

    select orderid, *

    from table1


    select orderid, *

    from table2

    select orderid, *

    from table3) new

    left outer join processed

    on processed.order_id = new.orderid

    where processed.orderid is null

    insert into...

  • RE: Splitting Data in "TEXT" datatype

    ok, the way to do this is to use unions, casts and hidden columns

    for example

    select feedbacktext

    from (

    select feedbackid, 0 as orderx, cast('UserId = '+

    cast(user_id as varchar(10))+'FeedbackId='+

    cast(feedbackid as varchar(10)) as varchar(1000))...

  • RE: Need help resolving blocking problems

    If this is a production system you may want to look at adding

    set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

    tracking down locking/contention issues can take longer than your customers...

Viewing 6 posts - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)