Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Clone Sql-Server complete

    Both Red Gate and Windocks are now supporting the ability to clone SQL Server databases. The workflow is to restore a production database into a full byte copy image, that...

  • RE: Containerization of database scripts

    Yes, Docker based SQL Server containers can work with local datbase files, or mounted, and can include scripts that are run when the container starts.  Full disclosure, I work for...

  • RE: DevOps Isn't Perfect

    While I think that orgaizational responsibilities and attitude, and tops down management support are key, I think the role of a well defined DevOps toolchain is commonly under-emphasized.  In order...

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    Your summary is spot on Ryan.  The Windocks implementation uses a MOUNTDB command in the Dockerfile to do the same.

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    In reply to Ori.   Docker containers are designed to support emphemeral and stateless apps, each has a private file system and any data in the private file system is...

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    Each VM requires a license . . . even if it's a Windows and VMware there is cost.   A core reason for using containers is simplicityand economy. . ....

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    Thanks, this is a good discussion.   One difference in our design is WinDocks are application level containers, and we utilize the host for ports and mount points . ....

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    One additional comment that I think adds to this discussion.  To the extent you believe that Docker containers represent an industry-wide strategy, and certainly Microsoft seems to emphasize Docker containers...

  • RE: Containers and Databases

    You raise good questions Steve, a couple of points of clarification should help.   First, let's clarify what are "SQL Server containers?"   SQL Server containers are simply SQL Server...

  • RE: An Introduction to SQL Server Containers

    Containers result in fewer OS instances. One customer supports up to 20 SQL Server containers on a single 8 core server. In their case, and in most...

Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 40 total)