Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)

  • RE: remove dup rows within same columns

    Can you explain why you can't just add primary key for the table? Every table -should- have primary key. It is even - funny thing, really - written in rule2...

  • RE: Huge Bitmap

    Ross McMicken (3/18/2009)

    Without knowing the structure of your bitmaps, but assuming there is a product ID or something similar for each row, can you change the table to have a...

  • RE: Huge Bitmap

    To what degree can you alter the table?

    I can redesign it completely.

    What's the frequency of features?

    To be honest - I'm not sure. I would say that on average there are...

  • RE: remove dup rows within same columns

    It would be probably a lot slower without primary key in the table. And why you have no primary key in the table? Primary keys are strictly fundmental.

    Let's see...


  • RE: remove dup rows within same columns


    It would be probably a lot slower without primary key in the table. And why you have no primary key in the table? Primary keys are...

  • RE: Huge Bitmap

    I don't think it has anything to do with text index.

    It is a database of items which can be described with hundreds features. The features are ussually not correlated. Now...

  • RE: remove dup rows within same columns

    While this solution is probably not the most efficient one, it should work provided you have some kind of row_id to know the difference between different rows.


Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)