Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)

  • RE: clustering servers

    how to check the ip address of the clustered

  • RE: clustering servers

    how to check the ip address of the clustered

  • RE: identity insert

    Yes i got it , i did an insert with the table column in it , without the identity column and it worked .


  • RE: identity insert

    I did try all this .

    is there anyway before i can remove the identity column as non - identity

    after insert i can change it to identity column...

  • RE: instances,harddisk

    Yes i got it . i just go it through sys.servers.

  • RE: Cursors

    Yes it worked , thanks a lot , i needed to put spaces after delete from and before insert into.

    now i need i need to put a data range ,...

  • RE: Cursors

    fetch next from c1 into @db_name,@table_name,@date,@col



    set @sql = 'delete from ' +@db_name +'.dbo.'+@table_name+'insert into '+@db_name+'.dbo.'+@table_name+' SELECT distinct top 100* FROM [,3824].'+@db_name+'.dbo.'+@table_name --+ 'WITH (nolock)'-- WHERE...

Viewing 7 posts - 31 through 37 (of 37 total)