Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 114 total)

  • RE: Mirroring Issue

    Any useful materials or suggestions

  • RE: Logshipping Issue

    How to check that account log shipping is running under has permissions to read and write to that location.

  • RE: Restoring failed

    i am not able to see any service accounts in security ... can any one give further more details.

  • RE: Restoring failed

    how to give permissions to service accounts. how to check what permissions the existing service account have. can any one throw some light on it . any useful material.

  • RE: Need Help:Error log

    The problem is solved by dropping corrupted database.

    Thanks for every one for your support.

  • RE: Need Help:Error log

    The issue has been resolved by dropping the corrupted database.

    Thanks Gail for your support

  • RE: Need Help:Error log


    I am planning to migrate from this server to another does this solve this issue ...

  • RE: Need Help:Error log

    in event viewer

    administrative event it is showing

    An error occurred while writing a trace event to the file, \\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Log\FlightRecorderCurrent.trc.

    An error occurred while closing the trace output...

  • RE: Need Help:Error log

    one of the dump file information due to space constrait only top portion of dump is pasted. i dont know how to attach a file to this forum

    Current time...

  • RE: Need Help:Error log

    here is the error log

    2013-06-20 17:33:47.470ServerMicrosoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (SP1) - 10.50.2796.0 (X64) Dec 9 2011 11:27:20 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation ...


    Alter database xxx set online worked fine now and it came out of emergency mode. But the same command doesn't work for previous attempts ... i am surprised. Can...


    actually i am trying to find whether we can take tail log backup for a database in emergency mode. and finally i stuck up in this emergency mode.


  • RE: Maintenance plans

    backup maintenance plan is executing without any failure and created sub folders for every database.

    i checked include first level folders in clean up task. task is executing but older backups...

  • RE: Maintenance plans

    Any ideas....

  • RE: SQL Server Version

    Gail you are talking about SQL 2014 .. does it released or what...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 114 total)