Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)

  • RE: Can We Skip the Marketing?

    I am in full agreement. The major reason I still go to the PASS conferences is that sometimes (and usually from a non-Microsoft speaker) I see/hear a demo that...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: Security Regulations

    While I am all in favor of security, I just don't want government involved on deciding what I can do and cannot do or must do. Remember this is...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: Testing at Scale

    Wow, a tool like that is long overdue. By benchmarking your dev environment with production you could also "trend" how your development releases should do in the production environment....

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: SQL Server Information

    I ran it several times this morning -- everytime getting same error.

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: SQL Server Information

    Hmm, really got me interested, but when I ran it on our production OLTP server (24x7), I received an error (below) as well as the total numbers were almost too...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: SQL Unit Testing

    Interesting article and very timely for me. My big question is how do you detect errors/slow running queries etc? Do you need to run profiler again to detect...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Hassles of Travel

    In Germany, you can get a beer (usually cheaper than soda) at a Burger King or McDs. Also mustard is different.

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Hassles of Travel

    While I agree that the actual travel is a pain, I think just going to a new location and immersing yourself in a different environment is what life is all...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Fear of Change

    I don't think the role of DBA is going away, but it is evolving. I remember attending a PASS seminar a couple years ago and Kalen Delaney said right...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: Performance testing and tuning for a beginner

    Well I agree with your statement about being careful with temporary tables, don't ignore them. In many cases I have taken a complex multi-table query and broken it up...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Training Value

    At my current job I made it (unwritten) a condition of employment that I could attend the PASS conference (or one like it) every year. For the last 2...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Active DBA

    I try and play tennis 2-3 times a week. When I don't have a match scheduled I take group lessons (also helps with the conditioning). On weekends I...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Core

    I've always been a strong proponent of normalization, but it can be carried overboard -- as in the OLTP database I inherited at my current job. It had been...

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: The Core

    I agree with Phil's attitude dialogue, but want to expand on it. I would be looking for someone that is a "jack of all trades" and enjoys problem solving....

    Mike Byrd

  • RE: Alter Index with online rebuild - SQL 2005

    Nice script, but where is definition (create table) for physical_stats?

    Mike Byrd

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 62 total)