Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)

  • RE: Intellisense Issue

    That is exactly what I want. Thanks!

    But... How do I keep this setting. It seems to go back each time I open a new query window. Can't find...

  • RE: Database permission

    My domain login gets me on the machine. I can add files via File Explorer/Windows Explorer. But I can't create a bak file in that same directory. ...

  • RE: Schema


    Here is a picture of what I see if I access the SQL data via Access/ODBC. How do I get rid of the Information_Schema & Sys lines?


  • RE: Constraint Weight

    The constraints would be simple ones - defaulting int types to 0, char to space(0), bit to 0, etc.

  • RE: Activation Stored Proc with Parameters

    Me too.

  • RE: Execute T-SQL Scripts in Parallel


    This is a great function. Can you tell me if the system uses one database file for this function? I have created separate databases for...

  • RE: Avoiding Row work in SQL - Part 2

    Luis Cazares (2/24/2014)

    You can't chage that code to make it set based. You need to change the code from usp_make_record to accept several rows at a time.

    Other than passing in...

  • RE: Avoiding Row work in SQL - Part 2

    Row count could be from a few dozen to 1000s. The process will be called by SQL internally and by Visual Foxpro externally via the ODBC driver.

  • RE: Avoiding Row work in SQL

    According to the article, the Quirky Update is still significantly faster than the 'Over' option. Has there been an update or change on this?

    Can others chime in...

  • RE: Schema

    Luis Cazares (2/14/2014)

    I'm sorry, your answer makes it completely different. I'm sorry but many people come here and ask questions without even trying anything (some people believe that is easier...

  • RE: Schema

    Wow. Thank you! This will really help.


  • RE: Schema

    Luis Cazares (2/14/2014)

    Have you even tried looking for "CREATE SCHEMA" on google?

    Yes. I tried it - made the user - made the schema - logged in as the user...

  • RE: Avoiding Row work in SQL


    Yes - we will be moving to SQL 2012 for the client that needs this. Can you elaborate?



  • RE: External Drive Died - Help


    It wants to "delete database backuphistory". This seems to be the issue. If I skip that, will I have issues later down the road?

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_delete_database_backuphistory @database_name = N'xx_Training'



  • RE: Do you really need the log file

    A full backup doesn't set the log to re-usable?

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)