Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 72 total)

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    It seems like it works! In a single SQL, thats amazing...

    Ty, you guys rock!

    *christmas hug*

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    Cadavre (12/12/2011)

    Be aware, this code is different to Jim's because I think he was hitting the tables more than he needed to.

    Thank you for your insight. There's a problem though...

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    Jim-720070 (12/9/2011)

    Hmmm... I have to disagree with you...

    Oh, i just run the code without removing the "WHERE RecentJob = 1" part.

    The code works exellent and has alot better execution...

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    Jim-720070 (12/9/2011)

    I fear there's been a certain amount of 'scope creep' in this request..

    Can I ask what is the purpose of using the modulo operator?

    Yes definitely scope creep problem, sorry...

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    Jim-720070 (12/8/2011)

    Are we getting warmer???

    Wow, yes, we certainly are!

    There's a couple details left...

    If Noah gets an ongoing job, he's still going to be drafted by the query. (Users having ongoing...

  • RE: Modulo operator problem

    First and foremost ty for the input, both solutions worked!

    I understand that our dates structure is not optimal, unfortunatly it's already in use and its not possible to change it...

  • RE: select rowid?

    Cadavre (12/1/2011)

    Not sure I know what you're asking. Does this help?

    Ty, that was exactly what i was looking for!

  • RE: Conditional check Option

    Im kinda new to sqlserver myself, but this kinda worked for me

    SELECT DISTINCT [yourtable].[RegisterNo] FROM [yourtable] INNER JOIN [yourtable] as [yourtable2] ON [yourtable].[RegisterNo] =[yourtable2].[RegisterNo]+1 WHERE [yourtable].[CourseID]=08027 AND [yourtable].[ExtMark]=96


    SELECT DISTINCT [yourtable].[RegisterNo]-1...

  • RE: For xml path format question

    Oh, ty so much, it actually worked after all. I realize now that i've missed a couple of html errors in my prototype version! Which XML noticed and threw up...

  • RE: For xml path format question

    Adi Cohn-120898 (11/24/2011)

    Why are you using an XML in the select with for xml clause?

    I used it to demonstrate the problem. The actual code looks like this:

    declare @clikesstring varchar(MAX)


  • RE: Loop through multiple tables

    That's really exciting, wasn't aware of the FOR XML option! SQLServer surprises me on daily basis with it's functionality.


    Ty for the example it will help me out...

  • RE: Loop through multiple tables

    Lowell (11/23/2011)

    Your example involving user and Education tables is really at odds with an email campaign.

    here's a rough example i just sketched out that woudl use a cursor to send...

  • RE: Loop through multiple tables

    Sean Lange (11/22/2011)

    You know looping is absolutely horrible for performance (and you have nested loops which is even worse).

    Yes, i am aware of that. I am trying to build a...

  • RE: Loop through multiple tables

    Oh great, i got it! Did'nt really know what rowcount did, changed it around and it works 😀

    declare @u_id char( 11 )

    declare @e_id char( 11 )

    set rowcount 0

    select TOP 10...

  • RE: Cannot resolve the collation conflict...

    Cadavre (11/10/2011)

    What happens if you add COLLATE ?

    IF @MyEmail COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = ''

    This worked great ty.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 72 total)