Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)

  • RE: DTS Numbers export to Excel ends up as text

    I posted this under another Excel question and it works pretty slick. You can apply formatting (Inserting rows, Titles, formatting to the detail, etc) to the excel file and...

  • RE: Forcing DTS Package execution result

    You could use Workflow ActiveX scripts to control the program flow instead of the On Failure. Workflow scripts execute and 'decide' whether or not the task should execute. ...

  • RE: Zipping a file

    Couldn't you return an Output Parameter from the stored Proc with the status Matthias described? Then evaluated the status in DTS (set the output parameter to a Global Variable),...

  • RE: DTS - Excel Question

    Use an Execute SQL task against the Excel connection:

    DROP TABLE table_name

    Then In a second Execute SQL task against the same connection:

    CREATE TABLE `table_name` (

    `ColumnName1` VarChar (8) ,

    `ColumnName2` DateTime ...

  • RE: Free OLEDB Provider for DB2

    Thanks for the response

    Have you or anyone you know of used Microsofts Host Integration Server?

  • RE: Migrating DTS packages from Dev to Test to Prod

    I use two tasks in every DTS Package I create to control at runtime the environment settings (1 activex and 1 dynamic properties task). Then when I move...

  • RE: Conditionally Executing a step

    I agree with noeld. Place the code in a workflow activeX script on the final task (decide whether or not to loop)

Viewing 7 posts - 46 through 52 (of 52 total)