Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Subscriber not connecting to Distribtion agent

    Thanks for the information, I shall try and find the switches you mean.

  • RE: BCP or DTS

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_predictionout AS

    Declare @directory char(50), @pkzipname char(50), @tfilename char(50), @bcpcommand char(50)

    Declare @name char(8), @filename char(50), @nrow int


    select name from IC_PREDICTION.dbo.sysobjects

    where crdate>=CONVERT(char, getdate(),...

  • RE: BCP or DTS

    mmm. When I posted this I'm sure it had more data in it. I'm looking for which one is better when automating task that will run after a stored procedure.


  • RE: xp_sendmail

    I fined that using smtp is just as good

  • RE: Sending Attachment with Cdosys

    Have tried the examples but the attachemnt did not turn up.

    Please could someone help

  • RE: Sending emails with CDOSYS

    Has anyone managed to send attachmenst using cdosys.

    Would be interested to know how you did it.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)