Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: Looking for a method to support multiple keyword searches

    OR! CLR RegEx search...

    If you download the codes for the DB Sambles from CodePlex...

    There is code there already that exposes the RegEx search into SQL...

    That is... if your allowed to...

  • RE: Looking for a method to support multiple keyword searches

    Have you looked into Full Text Search?

    I cant say I have had the pleasure of working with it... but if I recall correctly... it was designed for string searches...

  • RE: WHILE loop and inserting records

    LOL my bad... a little early in the morning for me 😀


    SET @doc ='








  • RE: WHILE loop and inserting records

    Can you provide more details on what your trying to do?

    I get what your code is doing but there are some logical issues with it...

    The idea of you wanting to...

  • RE: More efficient way

    Rather than trying to muddle around with Air Code on a query like that... where the results of the Air Code is going to cause you more headaches than you...

  • RE: Declaring a variable that takes more than one values

    How about something like this...

    Its pretty straight forward and wouldn't require any extra functions.

    (However, there are perks to the function spiting apart a string)

    --Holds the Account Numbers


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)