Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Practical Uses for Synonyms in SQL Server

    I've recently discovered a great use of synonyms. My company won't refresh UAT from production and UAT is years out of date. This has forced me to develop in production...

  • RE: Detective Stories - Changing the Case

    Assuming these functions have to be used for English, don't forget all the special cases like "McDonald" and "MacDonald". But if you fix these, then you don't want this...

  • RE: Weird Rounding

    After much experimentation, it seems that a method that works quite well to round two slightly different FLOAT numbers like:



    is to round firstly to one decimal place (1dp) more than...

  • RE: Weird Rounding

    Thanks Mr Magoo - I'll try what you suggest at work tmw.:-)

  • RE: Open Source Pay

    This is one area very culturally different between USA and the UK. Americans admire success and want to associate with it whereas in the UK, success is mocked and...

  • RE: Loading dates US style when I want UK style

    Hi Jeff,

    I've run the "DBCC USEROPTIONS" command in both environments and the date is "mdy" in both UAT and PRODUCTION. Strange, considering we're a UK site!

    Does anyone know whether...

  • RE: Reducing 3 statements to 1

    Thanks! I thought it would involve a case statement but I couldn't think how to code it. Cheers!

  • RE: First Datawarehousing project...need some help and input !!

    Yes, 2 years sounds about right to me. It takes a long time to make a datawarehouse robust, correct and fast!

    With regard to dedupe, this will become a vast...

  • RE: ANSI Joins and the WHERE clause

    Thanks Andras for providing the example. Having run it, I needed to ponder on it for a bit, but I think I get it now - the difference is...

  • RE: Dimensional DB Design Question

    Dear all,

    I am familiar with Dimensional Modelling but here is a type of question I have not had to address before and I don't quite know how to model/handle this.


  • RE: When do statistics update?

    Thanks for your advice. I've put a log entry to include sysdate between each SQL statement in the sp and this will run in tonight's batch so I will...

  • RE: When do statistics update?

    Are you suggesting doing the update Stats after the TRUNCATE but before the INSERT?

    Is this because the stats facility after the TRUNCATE still thinks there's 2.5m rows in the table...

  • RE: Management Studio Express v Professional

    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    I can see from your link that Express does not include SQL Agent Job Scheduling. On Monday, I shall ask for either Enterprise or the...

  • RE: Stored Proc Block Using BEGIN/END

    Thanks for your prompt reply Gail. I suspected as much but didn't want to make a fool of myself without checking first!

  • RE: Star Schema Design for Headcount with Goals

    Hi Chris,

    I go along with Loner's solution except where a table occurs that stores hierarchical information, then I would always associate it with its lowest level of granularity and hence...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)