Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Using variables within a Data Flow ?

    David and Jamie,

    Many thanks for your help on this matter.  During the last two days I have made progress eliminating this and that using some of your expertise as a...

    Best Regards

  • RE: Using variables within a Data Flow ?

    Thanks again David.  My problem is mapping the variable, but again let me try and clarify.  In DTS 2000 I would create a variable and assign a value. In a...

    Best Regards

  • RE: Using variables within a Data Flow ?

    Thanks for your swift response David but perhaps I should add some supplementary information.  In the Control flow all is well up to and including the variable assignment (I have...

    Best Regards

  • RE: Get Away From Confusing Code

    One of those - "Doh, Why didn't I think of that?"  Simple and smart - well done.

    Best Regards

  • RE: Retention - Keeping Your Job

    Some interesting points in a good article.  Regarding "Most managers, shareholders, etc. will put up with pretty much anything from someone if that person is generating revenue.", reminded me of...

    Best Regards

  • RE: How To Mess Up An Interview

    I agree with Clinton - should have called it 'How to mess up an Article'.  The whole subject of blessing and cursing is irrelevant - don't do it!  We are...

    Best Regards

  • RE: conditionally running a tsql-script

    I don't think Go is necessary after each statement.  I agree SP is the way to go with your conditional.  I check for table existence many times in SPs before...

    Best Regards

  • RE: Convert to hh:mm

    I assume that your total time spent formula is something like Sum(CallID) which would be the grouped total.  To convert to H:mm use something like this instead of the Sum(CallID):


    Best Regards

  • RE: RS Internal Error !

    Hello Ruud,

    It is a member server.  Another thing I tried to see what the results were was to email myself a subscription to a report daily.  I get the email...

    Best Regards

  • RE: Need help on store procedure

    I like the coalesce. Nice and succinct, and from a newbie ?!

    Added later:  Whoops! Didn't mean to call you a newbie - just realised that Newbie refers to how many...

    Best Regards

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)