Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Computed Coloun

    mrpolecat (11/10/2007)

    [TotalFine] AS (case when datediff(day,[DueDate],isnull([SubmitDate],[DueDate]))>(0)

    then datediff(day,[DueDate],isnull([SubmitDate],[DueDate])) else (0) end*[fineperday])

    thanks for ur reply

    still same problem, if submited date is NULL then can't calculate total fine.

    code i want like...

  • RE: put value into foreign key table

    Books Table:

    AutoID, ISBN(PK), BookTitle

    Category Table: (added all category informations)

    AutoID, CategoryID(PK), CategoryName

    BooksCategory Table:

    AutoID, ISBN(FK), CategoryID(FK)

    Now I am going to add new book into books table

    Addbooks.aspx has drop down list name ddlCategory...

  • RE: put value into foreign key table

    Dfalir (10/24/2007)


    can you be a bit more specific? what do you mean when to insert data?

    if you receive (or have) a boo that belongs to a category, then you insert...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Thanks Everybody

    Specially Thanks to Matt, Lowell and Kennith who helped me a lot to solve my task. I would like to give you some point, how can i do...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Lowell (10/18/2007)

    something like this might get you closer to where you want to go... the fines are calculated, as well as the days delayed.

    create table Borrowers(

    MemberID ...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Lowell (10/18/2007)

    something like this might get you closer to where you want to go... the fines are calculated, as well as the days delayed.

    create table Borrowers(

    MemberID ...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Lowell (10/18/2007)

    i don't think you can use a calculated column in this case, because the penalty amount resides in a different table(P as Penalty Table) than the items that determine...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Kenneth Wilhelmsson (10/18/2007)

    Another idea... The penalty is only applied if the Delay is > 0.

    So, why not make Delay a computed column?

    Then any penalties in the Borrower table will be...

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Dear Kenneth

    Thanks for your reply, I want to set FinePerDay .50 and TotalFine= FinePerDay * Delay

    How Can I do it

  • RE: Auto Column Check

    Thanks For Your Reply

    I am not going to use Fine Table. I will use only Borrowers Table and columns are...

    MemberID, ItemID, DateTaken, DateDue, DateSubmit, FinePerDay, DaysDelay, TotalFine,...

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)