Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)

  • RE: DTS and "Flags"

    Thanks for that response Wildh and a happy new year to you.

    I think you've missed my difficulty.

    The flow would be that job A kicks off an external process. If (and only...

  • RE: In Enterprise Manager, no servers listed

    Slightly off topic, but I didn't think you could install the SQL-Server service on XP Home edition. Am I wrong?

    I know that you can install Enterprise Manager


  • RE: Error "Key column information is insufficent or incorrect. Too many rows were affected by update."


    This error normally means Access can't work out how to identify and pass back to SQL-Server which columns to update because it doesn't have enough information.

    When you linked the SQL...

  • RE: Missing record!!!


    Unless someone else knows an obscure bit if trickery you cannot safely generate your invoice numbers using "in-stream" SQL from VB the way that you have done it. You must...

  • RE: Missing record!!!

    How are you generating the new invoice number?

    If you're doing it "by hand" then that's a receipe for things going wrong.

    I don't know the format of your invoice number...

  • RE: Missing record!!!


    This is a tricky one. Firstly SQL_Server handles multiple users very well and you wont get rows deleted as a result of this.

    A good place to start would be to...

  • RE: MSAccess to SQLServer 2000 via ODBC


    No problem.... we've all been there and know what it's like to hit a brick wall. Glad my mutterings helped.


  • RE: Message to all logged on users

    Thanks Yvan

    Knew it had to be something




  • RE: MSAccess to SQLServer 2000 via ODBC

    Hi Stephen,

    Sorry if this sounds obvious but but can you try creating a simple test table in SQL-Server, then linking it to MS Access and seeing if you can do...

  • RE: Cursors

    OK, having read all your comments, and despite my ealier post about there practically always being a set-based solution, there is one occasion where I used a cursor. It was this:-


  • RE: Table Variables

    Good grief don't even think about using global temp tables.... the person who designed that bit of functionality had horns growing out of his head and a forked tail....!

    Errrr..... whew,...

  • RE: Temporary tables in SQL Server

    What if 2 or more users co-incidentally create a temp table called #Temp1 at the same time? As these are all held in tempDB the sysobjects tables needs to make...

  • RE: Cursors

    OK I'll bite and be the first to jump in.

    Cursor!! - don't make me larf, I'll do it using proper programming.

    But seriously, when I first started SQL programming I'd come from applications programming...

  • RE: Table Variables


    I see what you mean now.

    Sorry but the answer is no, you can't pass a table variable (or any other variable for that matter) outside of the batch or...

  • RE: MSAccess to SQLServer 2000 via ODBC


    Just re-read your original post and I saw that it was Access 97 you were talking about, so ignore the first question.

    The rest of it still holds true though... in...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 49 total)