Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 33 total)

  • RE: Problem with Creating Dynamic T-SQL...

    Thanx Remi

    even I took date out like following T-SQL it still given error.. I know i have mistake somewhere it is error msg.. at the bottom..

    DECLARE @dbsize dec(15,2)



  • RE: File Exists check Code Error

    Hi Folks

    I have solved this..It was my mistake.. It was like this:

    "exec master..xp.cmdshell @delFile"

    should be like this:

    "exec master..xp_cmdshell @delFile, NO_OUTPUT"



  • RE: File Exists check Code Error

    Hi folks

    I have solved the file exists code part. The only different was that I was putting quotés around @file variable..(SET @File = '''C:\'+@dbname+'.bak''') which should be like this (SET...


  • RE: upgrade database

    Thanx for response guys ...

    Mike Metcalf: here it is detail of upgrade situtaion..

    database size is not very big.. just 300 mb.. There ofcourse two databases. upgrade from another one. data...


  • RE: Reading flat file and cretaing meta data

    Thanks Dinesh... I knew this that transfer can possible using either DTS or BCP. But I have to store above information about flat file into table.. how i do as...


  • RE: Meta data

    Thanks!!! Frank Kalis

    I really appreciate this help... could you know how and where can i access to more basic information on this...


  • RE: Capturing file name and date/time of it.

    Thanks Guys.. It is really understandble..

    PW: is this possible if you provide sample example of DTS package that you mentioned in your answer??

    hoo-t: where can find more about dir...


  • RE: BCP datafile load in specific table columns


    suppose if i have another field in same table and want to pass value to this field from BCP format file...(or another way through BCP) is this possible???

     if yes then could some one help me..I...


  • RE: BCP datafile load in specific table columns

    Thanks Thang...

    really appreciate your help ... it's work perfectly 


  • RE: How to Join this 2 tables ?

    here it is one way you can do this..according to your problem..

    SQL should be like this:-

    SELECT t1.transano, t1.prodcode, SUM(t1.qty) AS transA_qtycheck, SUM(t2.qty) AS transB_qty_in_hand, SUM(t1.qty) - SUM(t2.qty) AS Diff

    FROM ...


  • RE: batch file works, job fails

    try this following hirenk...

    1. create bat file delete.bat/delete.cmd

    2. in file...


    del "destination path of file" space /q


    save the file and run...


  • RE: FTP task using DTS

    for Antares......

    since last reply, I have setup whole process like this in DTS package..

    1. excecute command for backup

    2. on success execute process task FTP to required server

    3. then delete backup...


  • RE: FTP task using DTS


    plz see following link for sql 6.5 and 7.0.

    I hope it will help you, not for me cos using SQL 2000 Enterprise.




  • RE: FTP task using DTS

    Hi Antares

    em using sql 2000 enterprise edition....

    yes I have checked the rights on folder. cos when I fetch the file through third party software (ws_ftppro 7.0) or via browser then...


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 33 total)