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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)

  • RE: Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider

    i have gone through this link.

    but the problem is i don't want to work with registry keys on the

    server.One wrong step and the whole system can be down.

    Any more help...

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: Truncate permision on a table

    Is there any method so that my program which uses Truncate table command under a

    DBUser and DBRole can work

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: How to find total columns?

    I got the solution.

    We can get the number of columns by usifn the below line of code.


    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tempdb.dbo.syscolumns WHERE [id] = object_id('tempdb.dbo.#T')

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: convert a roow of data under a single column heading

    Thanks David this was really a nice reply.!It worked

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: How to find total columns?


    Hi amish i tried doing the below statements i am not able to get the results



    A int,

    b int


    select * from #T


    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: convert a roow of data under a single column heading

    yes we can do a loop.

    But if My number table is #Number table 'a # table in stored procedure'

    Then how can i find the loop termination value.i.e till how many...

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: How to find total columns?

    Can we find total number of columns of a #Table in side a stored procedure

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: convert a roow of data under a single column heading

    Thanks David!

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: How to find total columns?

    Thanks a lot this works fine

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: Openrowset query

    Thanks a lot it worked!

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: Openrowset query

    Thanks,Let me have alook on the link u send me.

    I have another issue i want the top header to be populated in a table.

    If we dio it from below query...

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: Openrowset query

    If we convert it into csv also it doesn't come.....

    Please ignore the csv part of the aboove question.

    I will again retype the question

    My question is :-

    Hi i have a...

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: Import Excel files

    Thanks for the reply but my data base is very compalex it has around

    18 tables with almost 20- 25 excel sheets.

    How about DTS can we perform the jobs?

    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: import xls data to tables

    Thanks Paul and steve.

    I will place the same question In DTS section ion order to get some more expert advice.



    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

  • RE: import xls data to tables

    Thanks aPaul and steve.

    I will place the same question In DTS section ion order to get some more expert advice.



    Kindest Regards,


    Dream The Dream
    Explore the World
    Experince The Exhilaration

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 39 total)