Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 60 total)

  • RE: Indexes, Indexes, Indexes

    Interesting reading. Was that a deliberate reference to Alices Restaurant, Massacre (twenty-eight color graphs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the bottom of each one)?


  • RE: Difficulty grabbing values from same table where all the columns use the same key

    Oops - got my aliases a bit screwed up there ... I should have checked a bit more before posting;

    SELECT sales.Project, rep1.DisplayName, rep2.DisplayName, rep3.DisplayName, rep4.DisplayName, sales.Spend

    FROM [Table 1] sales

    LEFT JOIN...


  • RE: Difficulty grabbing values from same table where all the columns use the same key

    All issues with normalisation aside, something like the following query should give you the result you are after for the table structures given;

    SELECT sales.Project, rep1.DisplayName, rep2.DisplayName, rep3.DisplayName, rep4.DisplayName, sales.Spend

    FROM [Table...


  • RE: Mathematical Theory (controversy!)

    I don't know mathematical theory, or philosophy, or physics - or epistemology for that matter - but what a great thread. Thought provoking and entertaining. I would add my own...


  • RE: Passing a variable for ORDER BY/ using CASE

    I have not run the complete DDL and data through, but looking at your CASE statement for the ORDER BY it looks a bit odd;

    CASE WHEN @sortorder1 = 'ASC' AND...


  • RE: The Logic, Mathematics, and Utility of NULLs

    Tom.Thomson (8/21/2010)

    But since it doesn't rotate, it's rotational speed is 0 radians/sec or 0 rpm or 0 whatever unit you are using. So the correct value is 0, not N/A.



  • RE: The Logic, Mathematics, and Utility of NULLs

    I theory, it seems there might be a case for 2 or more NULLs simply to provide clarity and eliminate different people guessing at the intended usage - after all,...


  • RE: Snoops

    I don't think you can avoid it - there will always be people who need access to sensitive data and it simply comes down to people having a strong-enough moral...


  • RE: table naming conventions

    I like the idea of grouping tables/scripts/functions etc. into logical groups with some sort of naming convention.

    My only comment is - keep it simple/obvious/intuitive.

    Several years ago I inherited a database...


  • RE: Getting Colorful

    "pebkac" (problem exists between keyboard and chair) ... we call that a "picnic" problem (problem in chair, not in computer)



  • RE: Getting Colorful

    One of my favourites first came up many years ago during a project to put a GUI front-end on a legacy character-based system - basically putting a nice front-end over...


  • RE: No One is Safe

    That's thinking outside the square - even as a developer/SQL-admin, I have to admire his ingenuity.



  • RE: Query several SQL tables once.

    Correct - those INSERT statements would require the user to have Insert permissions on the SQL table. It does eliminate the need to create a linked table in Access.

    One option...


  • RE: Query several SQL tables once.

    I have often used the QueryDef object to amend the SQL-statement for an Access query before using in a report. It's usually just 2-3 lines of VB code to replace...


  • RE: how to control if query is executed

    Your problem is not limited to those using French - apostrophes occur all over the place - in names, like O'Malleys Bar, or ownership, as in David's car.

    SQL can handle...


Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 60 total)