Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)

  • RE: Should I use indexes?

    There are 2 problems here, excluding the why:

    What existing indexes do you have on the table?

    The system will take time to update the table and update the index's if...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: email

    Saving a DTS Packadge to a file in SQL 2000

    Open EM

    Got to the DTS packadge that you what to save, open the packadge.

    Select Package and the Save as... select Structured...

    Lukas Botha


    When you restore you have to make sure the paths to where the database files need to go are correct. The database presumes that you would like to restore over...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: A Technique for Determining the I/O Hog in your Database

    If you have a look at how the calculation works, all averages being equal, then it is left open to interpretation.

    Personally you cannot determine if you have a problem...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Restore from large database backup

    Hi, just to give some explanation as to why the restore takes a long time.

    When a backup is restored it creates the "devices" for the database, If you have a...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Restored copy smaller

    If you are concerned about possible corruption you can always run DBCC CHECKDB to verify your concerns.

    What you can also check is DBCC SHOWCONTIG, this should give you a good...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Restored copy smaller

    Run sp_spaceused against your database and your restored database.

    Sample output:

    database_name             database_size      unallocated space 

    -----------------------     ------------------     ------------------

    master                         86.56 MB              23.77 MB

     reserved           data               index_size         unused            

    --------------- -------------- ---------------- ------------------


    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Active/Active cluster on win 2003 server. Need some help

    In short .. no

    What happens is:

    The database files are stored on the external disk, if the server fails over, The S1 access the that drive is terminated, the heartbeat or...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Active/Active cluster on win 2003 server. Need some help

    you actually have 5 server... S1 , S1S(Standby on S2) , S2 ,S2S (Standby on S1) AND S3

    As fas as i'm aware the standby server(S1S) will start all the databases of the...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Active/Active cluster on win 2003 server. Need some help

    Let me see if I understand.

    You would like to install a SQL cluster that has the same data active(delayed by logshipping) on a cluster.

    In other words a Active/Passive and Passive/Active...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: sqlserver crashed help

    The rebuild registy from the install CD does work, remember to reapply any patches that you used, I would recommend this as a precaution.

    I'ts always good to hear of another SQL...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: sqlserver crashed help

    There is the quick and dirty way or the propper way!


    The propper way is to rebuild from your backups, this will allow recovery of all your databases in a orderd...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: copying .mdf and .ldf files

    That is what I call the BLACK ART of Information Technology, 110 ways to solve a problem, but only one seen as the 'correct' way.

    I guess its all related...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Shrinking log file

    Sorry Steve I had a hard day yesterday, You must be one of the lucky ones.

    More than once I have had problems with databases that are in full recovery that the log...

    Lukas Botha

  • RE: Shrinking log file

    For jerryol:


    ALTER DATABASE database

    { ADD FILE < filespec > [ ,...n ] [ TO FILEGROUP filegroup_name ]

    | ADD LOG FILE < filespec > [...

    Lukas Botha

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)