Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    will you stop being so stupid?

    When the hell I said My query is BEST? stop imagining. Get life.

    Now I'll talk in the language you will understand.

    Enough of this.


    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    CTE (3/6/2009)

    One question came, I gave 1 solution, which is not that bad, another person gives another solution, which is better, use it. Isn't that simple?

    You all should read...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    You should use Bob's solution, best way create Time dimension and use it.

    One question came, I given 1 solution, which is not that bad, another person gives another solution, which...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    Coffee, chocolate...

    See in my job I hardly write a sql query. I'm more into cube desiging, DW design, ETL strategy.

    But still I participate on sql forums, as I seriously...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    People will call me rude if I don't reply you.

    You talked about Global Cursor, I don't like them, I never wrote a single cursor in my life.

    Why I like...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    Is there can be any logical reasoning for liking something?

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    Mangal9i (3/6/2009)

    AVoid making comments apart from technical stuff, as Bob's comments about "Comment" was not in good taste.

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    GSquared (3/6/2009)

    I'm surprised, with your credentials, .

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    Thanks for all comments.

    My strong point is BI, so you may be right but no one nver stops learning.

    That was Actaul evexution plan and not estimated, though most of the...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly

    Yes my query little slow.

    Talking about execution plan, run both my query and your query and see cost of the query.

    Its 1% VS 99%.

    I was not aware that someone will...

    John Smith

  • RE: type2 dimension general question


    Looking at your example, you are not updating any value in ProductPkey, its basically a new row itself.

    I guess what you were reffering to Type2 dimension is SCD (slowly changing...

    John Smith

  • RE: Updating Multiple row subquery ..!! Help ..

    Other thing I like add apart from what Dugi has said -

    Use ANSI JOINS instead of old where join syantax. You can still get the corect result with old...

    John Smith

  • RE: How generate Dates on the fly


    Try this... I guess very easy to understand and modify as well 🙂

    ;WITH Mangal as


    SELECT Dateadd(yy,datediff(yy,0,getdate())-4,0) Date --Start Date,5 years including current


    SELECT dateadd(dd,1,date)

    FROM Mangal

    WHERE Date + 1 < =getdate()...

    John Smith

  • RE: "Answered" Posts

    NOw this is not done.

    My topic was, Answered Posts. Nobody is talking about that and stve has closed my other thread.

    You should have locked this thread Steve. ...

    John Smith

  • RE: Answered Posts

    I appreciate your comments.

    Nothing wrong in saying that you find my suggestion as bad, that's your opinion.

    Thanks for understandng the intention of the topic.

    John Smith

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 41 total)