Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 99 total)

  • RE: Replication - Distribution DB growing

    I found all those rows are accumulated when the replication experienced problem on the past year. Most of the rows can deleted. All the replications jobs are functio properly. I...

  • RE: Cluster rebuild

    Thank you for all your reply. I'll try the one on MSDN.

  • RE: Disaster Recovery

    There are basically 2 kinds of D/R, one is original DBA is available (H/W crash, Server crash ...) and the other is only new DBA is available (nature disaster, terror...

  • RE: Anti virus on SQL cluster

    I think this drill to: should we install any software that is not 'cluster aware' on a cluster.  As far as I know, none of the AV is cluster aware. I...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 22 Sep 2004

    You can drop an article (table) from replciated database. But, you must drop it from  subscription first. The process is like


    sp_dropsubscription @publication = 'Publication_name'

    October 22, 2004 at 10:11 am


  • RE: Corrupt Disk Nightmares ... Help!

    I'm very surprise you have problem with EMC.

    I'm assuming using  you have 0 +1 if SAN is in place. If not, you may consider pursue this.

    If 0 + 1...

  • RE: Encrypting a column

    xp_crypt is the s/w we use, it easy and cheap (compare with other). But, no key management or audit functions

  • RE: Data encryption (column level)

    First of all, thank you for all your input. I also heard some of the vendor package was a hog when installed. Is anyone experience this problem ?


  • RE: Slow performed SP fix by sp_recompile

    Thanks for all your reply. I think I will proceed with index hint.

  • RE: Slow performed SP fix by sp_recompile

    Adding recompile option to the SP is not a viable solution, the recompile took 600ms. The SP called more than 10,000 times, this will greatly impact my batch windows. I...

  • RE: Slow performed SP fix by sp_recompile

    I fully understand what you said. But, I'm looking for someway to prove it and explain why it happen on one day but not the other while the activities are...

  • RE: Memory usage SQL2K

    The max. memory may set yo hight, too if you are active/active, you should set that total memory from both instances are less than 1500MB (2048MB - 500MB).

    Running a trace is...

  • RE: Memory usage SQL2K

    This seems is a memory leak problem. You need check the connection is closed properly.  Check cursors are closed properly. Apply latest jdbc SP (if app use one), there is...

  • RE: performance problem

    I agreed with most above. Backup is more I/O intensive,if you can separate I/O channel with your DB, you should be fine. Some 3rd party solution may increase CPU utilization....

  • RE: EM registered servers disappear in XP

    That's it. Thanks Allen.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 99 total)