Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)

  • RE: Syntax help requested

    Many thanks to all who helped me solve this problem.

    I must confess my ignorance caused my grief.

    The OUTPUT specification clearly, if one is familiar with procedure definition/construction, tells you that...

  • RE: SQL Server is confused about 2 instances using same data files

    Using EM, check server startup parameters.

    Right click on server, select properties, click on "Startup Parameters".

    Each server startup parms should be different:

    -d  master

    -e  errorlog

    -l  log

    Second question.  I believe the port is...

  • RE: Syntax tutorial

    Thanks to all.

    I will get and read the Guru's Guide to Transact-SQL by Ken Henderson.

    I will read the URL provided by fhanlon.

    Again, thanks.




  • RE: Syntax tutorial

    Sorry for poorly stating the question, but thanks for all the help.

    I was specifically meaning the syntax presented in BOL for how to construct whatever needed to be constructed.

    I think...

  • RE: Syntax help requested

    Thanks Bavineni, that worked.  I think Steve may be right in his previous reply.

    I would also ask for some help in interpreting BOL.

    BOL say the following:


    sp_trace_create [ @traceid = ]...

  • RE: Syntax help requested

    Thanks Steve.  After re-visiting question/coding, I think I see how you could arrive at that conclusion.

    I will dig a little deeper.

    Thanks again.



  • RE: Server Hangs

    Since your application has been running for so long and work activity is so light and the hang time so consistent, the following, I guess, comes under the heading of...

  • RE: SQL 7 and 2000 msde conflict

    I don't know if the following is a possibility or not.

    Could it be that SQL Server 7 was installed on the server as the default instance.

    Maybe MSDE is expecting to...

  • RE: Jobs still run, even when DISABLED

    Grasping at straws.

    Are the jobs scheduled from a central server?



  • RE: Identity Fields

    Some ruminations on this topic.

    1st, there is an ability to "reseed" the identity value DBCC CHECKIDENT (refer to BOL), however I perceive that your intent is to "reseed", when needed,...

  • RE: Backup Log with truncate_only

    Thanks Antares686.

    Do you know if there are other situations where SQL Server places an event in the OS application log indicating an error, which is really only a warning?

    Any BOL...


    Can forum participants tell me if the following would possibly have an adverse impact:

    a.  an OS backup in progress which was temporarily reading the event file.

    b.  a virus checker which might have...

  • RE: MSDB errors.

    Maybe the following will work.

    a.  Backup MSDB

    b.  Start SQL Server in single user mode

    c.  Stop SQL Server Agent

    d. Run DBCC CHECKDB ('msdb',repair_rebuild) with all_errormsgs

    BOL says of "repair_rebuild" performs all repairs...

  • RE: Backup Log with truncate_only

    Are you saying that when you view the application event log kept by the OS that in the left column you have a circle object red filled with a white...

  • RE: MSDB and Model Database detached

    I am grasping at straws, but maybe it can be started from the command prompt using the -f switch (Starts an instance of SQL Server with minimal configuration).

    If this gets...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 77 total)