Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)

  • RE: restore database from a data file

    It might be possible to make the database operational again as long as the database server the database was attached to previously was shut down normally.  The command to do...

  • RE: I need help designing a Database

    The purpose of the uniqueidentifier is not to allow sorting but to allow records to be easily identified regardless of which server they are created on.  Uniqueidentifiers also provide excellent...

  • RE: SQL coding convention/format/style

    The fact that you are thinking about conventions and standards is huge.

    I'll sacrifice a little spead and ease of maintenance for readability.  I put the comma after the column because...

  • RE: Cross Database Joins with Different SQL Servers

    the terms "efficient" and "join using multiple SQL Servers" do not go together.  cross server joins are not efficient.

    That's the right answer.  This type of design will eventually lead to...
  • RE: Backup remote database with TSQL

    You will need a linked server in order to backup your database from a remote SQL Server.

    For the purpose of this example lets assume your linked server is named LinkedSQLServer. ...

  • RE: design question

    I did a contract for Microsoft's poster-child for two way replication and the short answer to your question is, yes this can work.  The primary concerns you will have to...

  • RE: I need help designing a Database

    Without additional information and knowing that business people will always ask for something more as soon as you get going on your project, I'd create a category table that references...

  • RE: Data Security

    Someone in the thread said that people might believe a system is more secure if it uses biometrics than a system which doesn't use biometrics.  I think there's some truth...

  • RE: Searching Query problem..

    IP addresses are nothing more than a 32 bit integer converted into a more human readable form.  This is easy once you master converting IP addresses to integers and that's...

  • RE: Number of databases on one server

    Personally I don't like any of the answers given so I'll give my own answer.

    SQL Server can host as many databases on a single server as YOU are capable of...

  • RE: Enterprise Manager - delay to list databases

    This problem can be reproduced by using a non-patched version of EM to display the databases on an instance of SQL Server running SP4.  We have over 400 databases on...

  • RE: 5 table join with 165 ORs - returns 93,000 rows in 5 minutes...

    This is a complete stab in the dark but this is the initial approach I would take...


    SELECT COALESCE(CAST(client_contacts.DateContacted As smalldatetime), '') As DateContacted,

    COALESCE([objects].ClientLastName, '') As ClientLastName,

    COALESCE([objects].ClientFirstName, '') As...

  • RE: Why won''''t my CPU''''s run over 7%?

    Something I see far too often when people design a system to host a database server is that they focus on how many processors and how much RAM the system...

Viewing 13 posts - 46 through 58 (of 58 total)