Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: BaseLine

    Oops, sorry, didn't read closely enough...

  • RE: BaseLine

    I just choose the grid for the output then click in the upper left corner and copy the results and paste them into Excel. But not if there are...

  • RE: Learning SSIS and SSRS

    There are learning options on Microsoft's website also, if you search for 'learning' or 'webcasts' you should come up with lots of options.

  • RE: How to change our license from cal to core ?

    I'm not sure that you can. The license pricing is different from cal to core, so I'm not sure how you would handle that. If you have a...

  • RE: Query

    Search for DO WHILE, Cursors, and variables. You'll learn more if you figure it out yourself.

    If you really want to learn more, look on Microsoft's site for webcasts and...

  • RE: NOt able to apen SQL query Window

    Have you ever successfully run a query? Is everything else running ok?

    If it is only happening on your machine I'd try reinstalling SMS.

  • RE: Analysis services server

    Your version # and all is great, but you need to give us the error message you are getting and any other pertinent information such as what access you have...

  • RE: Proxy account for sql sever account

    Generally to get a third party app to work you need to follow their directions. It sounds like they want access to the Master database....? I would ask...

  • RE: Proxy account for sql sever account

    Are you talking about application access to a database, an agent job, or ??? We generally create windows service accounts for both unless an application vendor has a specific...

  • RE: edit SQL tables directly from Excel

    You don't say exactly what it is you are trying to do, but you can bring Excel data into a SQL database using SSIS and you can do whatever with...

  • RE: Printed Books Vs E-Books

    I have the Kindle Fire HD, which has a 7" screen (I think). I do most of my leisure reading (books and magazines) on the Kindle, and do some...

  • RE: Select record from group

    Oops, that will insert records into an existing table. Try:

    select ID, min(DATEFROM) as date1, max(DATETO)as date2,Color

    into newtable from originaltable

    group by ID, Color

  • RE: Select record from group

    An 'insert into' and the new table name will create the table from the results.

    insert into newtable

    select ID, min(DATEFROM),max(DATETO),Color

    group by ID, Color

  • RE: Import\export wizard

    Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't all he needs to do is at the wizard screen 'Select Source Tables and View' select Edit Mappings... and change the datatype there?

  • RE: good book or webite to learn the basic on TSQL and/or SQL server

    Have you checked out the MSDN site? Search for T-SQL and you can find lists of commands and what they do. There is also good developer centric information too....

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)