Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)

  • RE: INsert 0 instead of NULL

    I would use the isnull function which checks to see if the value is null and lets you specify the replacement value.

    strSql11=" insert into TempItem (intId,intWebId, intDataType, intNavid ) values...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: Inserting Only Unique Records

    Just a thought, have you tried using INSERT INTO ... SELECT DISTINCT ... to get the non-duplicate rows inserted into your new table? Then join back to the original to...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: How to import data from sql server 2000 to excel sheet through a stored procedure. Need to make the script so that it will reun every half an hour

    Another option, that does not use a stored procedure, but does use a view, is to use the Import External Data function in Excel. You could set up a Query...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: Date filter

    I am not trying to manage the SQL server from Access 2003. I just notice that if I have the adp (ade) application open and I try to do anything...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: Date filter

    I am using a table. The table is being used by an internal application that is running on 50 to 60 machines. The datatype is datetime.

    There is another interesting thing,...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: Date filter

    I agree there is no need to convert it back, but that is the SQL that SQL server creates when I enter the date in the criteria pane. While I...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: Date filter

    I am using the criteria pane to fill in the criteria.

    So I put the date in the filter field as: > 4/1/07.

    It creates this SQL:

    SELECT     *

    FROM         tblProduction

    WHERE     (ProdDate > CONVERT(DATETIME,...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Maintenance Mayhem

    I found that while the delete older than function in the wizard did not work, I could create a maintenance plan and then just add a maintenance cleanup task to...


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

  • RE: upsizing access 2003 to sql 2005

    Are you using mdb's or adp's?


    Carla Hepker
    Documentation: A Shaft of light into a coded world.

Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)