Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)

  • RE: Removing Merge Metadata

    Barbara, you found the correct profile option (-MetadataRetentionCleanup = 1).  If your researching metadata cleanup, I have to assume you are concerned about performance.  I'm in an environment with several...

  • RE: Removing Merge Metadata

    We use the sp_mergecleanupmetadata that is automatically called if you use the default merge profile in SP3.  This assumes all subscribers and publishers are SQL 2K with SP3.  It's a...

  • RE: Using 4 part names against Oracle Linked Server


    Search the BOL for "lazy schema validation" and read the "Configuring OLE DB Providers for Distributed Queries" topic.  This may apply here, but you are correct that there are certain data types...

  • RE: Next Run Date not updating with the correct information! HELP PLEAZE!

    I have seen a situation where the job as displayed in enterprise manager appears to have never run.  I discovered that this is a result of a bug in some...

  • RE: Sending thousands of e-mails from SQL Server

    Though many people complain about the xp_send/read mail functions, I have implemented a successful and reliable method of sending mails and processing the response.  The nice thing is that if...

  • RE: Delete taking too long


    Are there many indexes on the table?  The overhead of managing the indexes will significantly increase the processing time.  You may consider dropping the indexes, performing the delete, and recreating...

  • RE: Conflict tables problem

    Is it possibele that someone is launching the "Interactive Conflict Viewer/Resolver"?This utility removes the conflict entries after they are accepted.

  • RE: Print statement in Stored Proc

    rstone--That will work perfectly! Thanks so much, it looks like a few of us will find this very useful.


  • RE: Joining a text file with a table in a query

    I've used the following to accomplish something similar with Excel. I'm sure by changing the ODBC Driver name/parameters you could use this with a text file too. Search...

  • RE: Print statement in Stored Proc

    The proc does have transaction in it, but I'm printing a message before the first "BEGIN TRAN" statement.

    Speaking of checkpoints....does anyone know of a DBCC command to force one to...

  • RE: Multiple select statements in a procedure

    I would say that is a good way to accomplish your goal. You do have the ability to do something like this:

    select CountrySuperUser, (select MAX(VersionNumber) FROM tblVersion) as Version,...

  • RE: Identity Function Problem

    Testing in SQL2000, it does not even allow a variable when used with the IDENTITY function. You could do something like this, however.

    exec ('select field1,

    IDENTITY(int,' + @val1 +...

  • RE: Qualify Table Owner in Stored Proc?

    Thank you for the replies....

    Andy indicated that the proc would potentially evaluate twice if there was a table owned by dbo and the user calling the proc. From my tests...

  • RE: A calculated field in a view

    Excellent find! Thanks for the post.

  • RE: xp_sendmail and @recipients

    Are sure that @MailMsg isn't null or something strange like that? Might be worth trying to reapply the service pack if the dll containing xp_sendmail depends on others that...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 37 total)