Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)

  • RE: The DBA Boat

    Boat naming is quite personal, and I've spent enough time around boat owners to know they protect those names fiercely. (I had friends named Marcia and Linwood, who named...

  • RE: Your Point of View

    Steve, what is it with you and guys named Jones? 😉

    I responded to that post of Don's some time back to clarify for him what the mini-shell was there...

  • RE: Schedule a PS Script using SQLServer Agent

    In case I didn't mention it before, you can run scripts using SQL 2008 SMO against SQL 2005 and SQL 2000 servers. SMO doesn't support SQL 7 or earlier,...

  • RE: Schedule a PS Script using SQLServer Agent

    Ah. Ok. Go to Michiel Wories' blog post here:

    Copy out the script in that post. Once you've executed that, you've got the SQL 2008 dlls...

  • RE: Schedule a PS Script using SQLServer Agent

    One more item, while I'm thinking about it. You do need the SMO dlls to communicate with SQL Server from PowerShell, so from the MSDN article:

    The SMO...

  • RE: Schedule a PS Script using SQLServer Agent

    Thanks, Grant. I really wanted to see yours as well, but I'm at a client site during the day and couldn't.

    You can install PowerShell 1.0 on any Windows Server...

  • RE: Schedule a PS Script using SQLServer Agent

    Hi all!

    If you're using SQL 2008 Agent, you can use the PowerShell task type, then put the full path to the script into the task window. If you don't...

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    Steve, as part of the team that developed the objective domain for the Database Developer track, I can tell you that we started with the question "What does a Certified...

  • RE: Live or Memorex?

    Steve, I was one of the presenters at PASS, and my demo code worked and performed well in all my testing prior to the live presentation.  This year they used...

  • RE: Problem Changing SQL Service Account on Clustered Servers

    OK, with help from my friendly network administrator I was able to solve the problem.  When I'd first upgraded the servers I'd specified the non-admin account as the execution account...

  • RE: Search and Replace

    "I just can't wait to try and explain to my 7 year old that last year we had 9 planets and now we have 8. "

    Your son will be able...

  • RE: Building Automated Backups

    Actually, I'll go one further - why not build a Maintenance Plan (actually three - one for the full backups, one for the 15-minute transaction log backups, and one for...

  • RE: Pros and Cons

    The biggest problem with consolidating servers is not your in-house application suite, but third-party vendor applications, where the vendor insists that the database has to run on its own server. ...

  • RE: Exam Thoughts 70-441

    Steve, remember that the 71-441 and 71-442 exam are for the IT Professional level certifications.  The detail you expected should have been covered in the 71-431 exam.  The difference between...

  • RE: Big SQL Server 2005 News

    Hmmm.  I received an email from our local Microsoft rep at 7:26am EDT on this.  Based on the banner I assumed the "big news" was something different.

    Disappointing news, but not...

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 31 total)