Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Using top 5 max (as it were!)

    Ok.. i used the follownig code to get what i wanted

    select  a.agtrefno, a.memindex from membership a

    where a.memindex in (select top 5 c.memindex from membership c where c.agtrefno = a.agtrefno...

  • RE: Using top 5 max (as it were!)

    Thanks Ken, that seems to work a treat!


    Did not know you could use sub queries with an in statement to refer to the main query as it were.. you learn...

  • RE: Calculating percentages

    sincere apologies have foudn the answer..

  • RE: Group by and having..

    hi cheers for the reply,


    that's what i thought of doing but i wasnt sure whether there was a neater way of doing it than self joining on a date field



  • RE: problems with order by/case statements and distinct

    thanks for the feedback guys, i think David's suggestion lokos most promising given the tool i have to use..




  • RE: converting to a float

    that's perfect Phil, many thanks


    i got as far as doing using round,2  which gave me 3434.350000000000 but then couldn't get any further.

  • RE: converting to a float

    hi guys,


    thanks for the responses..


    im happyto use anything really, not nec a float. i needto convert a long number such as 12.8634456776 to something that resembles currency (covnerting to...

  • RE: Converting an int to an alphanumeric?

    thanks for the reply!


    i think im just gonna make a mapping table as it only has to be for a few numbers.



  • RE: case statements in a where clause

    cheers guys, the second one worked a treat.


    and remi- almost 3000 posts...! good work!

  • RE: Simple deuping

    ah didnt think to use count.. very good thanks!

  • RE: wokring out a period form dates..?

    hi guys thanks so muchfor your replies!!

     Coach James im afriad your suggestion returns 2 values for most of the records and W_Squared yours doesnt appear to work as you havent selected...

  • RE: wokring out a period form dates..?

    Sure ok... table financialperiods:

    FY Period  StartDate   EndDate

    1    1        01/04/2005  31/04/2005

    1     2        01/05/2005  29/05/2005

    1    3        30/05/2005    29/06/2006


    etc etc


    Table Events

    Eventnumber Arrangmentnumber StartDate EndDate

    1                        1                   01/04/2005  01/04/2005

    2                         1                   02/04/2005   03/04/2005

    3                         1                     01/04/2005   02/04/2005

    4                          2                   ...

  • RE: Extended challenge for everyone - Answer

    well you lost me pretty early on there!


    i guess that's why i always have the problems, and you always have the answers haha!

  • RE: wokring out a period form dates..?

    cheers remi.. this doesnt appear to work all too well though but i think that's down to my poor explanation.


    its part of a report writing tool.. basically this particular query...

  • RE: using insert where some values exist....

    i can always rely on you remi ;-)))

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)