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Viewing 12 posts - 421 through 432 (of 432 total)

  • RE: Searching text

    If the parentheses are only used around the names and dates in the text field, your solution would involve a stored procedure that uses a cursor to loop through the...


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  • RE: Format Query Value

    Number formatting shouldn't really be done in the Database ; it should be done by the front end app.  If there is no...


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  • RE: IN with Parameter

    Hi! As far as I know, it's not that simple...

    The way I get around this problem may not be the best (guys, be at the ready to chip...


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  • RE: Using variables inside Openrowset

    Using the PRINT command, thus:

    PRINT 'SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(''SQLOLEDB'', ''' + @ServerName + '''; ''' + @login + '''; ''' + @Password + ''',

     ''SELECT distinct tfn.Customer_id

     FROM NNGretail.dbo.tfn_order tfn



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  • RE: Where clause based on parameters

    Have you tried:

    create procedure myproc

    @aValue bigint



    select aField from tableA

    inner join tableB on tableA.aField = tableB.aField

    where tableB.aField = @aValue

    OR @aValue = 0



    Give this a go, let me know how...


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  • RE: Select most recent record

    With my workload winding down for Christmas (lucky me!! ) I've put this together as an example trigger that you could use:


    CREATE TABLE tmpSolution(



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  • RE: Add a DTS to an existing SQL Server Agent Job

    You could also use Enterprise Manager...

    1. Right-click on your package in the Data Transformation Services > Local Packages and choose to schedule it.

    2. Set up a dummy schedule for...


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  • RE: DBAs, baby!

    "He's too much of a salesman and the marketing becomes too much a part of his presentation"

    I don't know whether Scott Adams is a DBA, or even aware of these...


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  • RE: Replace all ful stops in all records with nothing

    Taking a guess without samples but you might try

    something like:

    UPDATE table_name

    SET field_name = CASE CHARINDEX('.', CONVERT(varchar(10), field_name), 1) WHEN > 0 THEN

       -- Deals with other_col value for prefix

       CASE WHEN other_col...


    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • RE: grouping by totals

    Rick, you are correct in what you say...

    ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC

    ... would give you what you need


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  • RE: Check txt ext exists using dts

    If the file is the only one in the directory, you could also use an ActiveX script as the first step in your DTS.

    The script would be something like:

    Function Main()



    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • RE: SQL Certification Industry Standard?

    I agree with mkeast. The inclusion of the term MCDBA under some kind of "professional qualifications" heading would be the norm.

    The reader has incorrectly assumed this qualification is...


    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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Viewing 12 posts - 421 through 432 (of 432 total)