The Other Jobs

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item The Other Jobs

  • I'm a long, long, long way off from retirement, but I'd like to retire into something like a groundskeeper or forester type role. I've always loved the outdoors, specifically forests, and so anything that allows me to get involved with that on a daily basis sits well with me.

    That or ocean conservation work.

  • My 2 favorite jobs other than Tech were the Army and Police Officer. I like helping people with things they cannot, for whatever reason, do for themselves. I think it is one reason I like tech too.

  • I think you are my soulmate Steve, 'holding babies at the local hospital'; me too at some juncture.

    Thanks for your thoughtful posts.


  • For paid jobs, I started in the obligatory high school jobs; grocery store bagger/stock boy, and Mc Donalds. McD back then was a fast paced and fun job that taught me a good work ethic (which I pretty much already had as a I grew up on a Homestead style Farm in the PA mountains). I started my first tech job in College by starting my own consulting firm. That was cool, but I don't like running my own business. I like solving problems  Been at the same job Writing Software for 23 + years. Probably gonna retire from here. (our stuff is deployed to 3 Azure datacenters around the world with 150 + companies using it so I get plenty of cool problems to solve). My favorite though really is my "side Job". I am a volunteer Fire Fighter, Advanced EMT with my local township FD. 24/7 whenever the pager goes off and the tones drop.

  • I grew up in Orlando, so I drove fake submarines at Disney World (that 20K Leagues ride is long gone).  Quickly became an IT "consultant" way before getting my UF CIS degree.  Retirement is right around the corner and money is not a problem.  So who needs volunteers?  Fire Department has already approached me when we go to their annual fund raisers.  Schools always need extra hands.  But if we ever retire to some place near a museum or paleontology quarry that needs assistance with the drudgery ... I'm so there.

  • I delivered newspapers while I was in high school. I normally delivered papers on my motorcycle; when the temperature dropped below 30°F, I'd switch to the pickup. However, delivering by motorcycle took 45 minutes; by pickup, it took 2 hours. I decided to just deliver by motorcycle and stop occasionally to warm my hands on the exhaust pipes. When my gloves started smoking, I'd quit holding the exhaust pipes. During the summer after my first year in college, I was working on a state highway survey crew; once we had to survey a swamp and I had knee high boots, one of boots had a hole; the crew had a salt shaker in the truck to use on watermelons. During my second year, I got my first IT job.

    My retirement is planned for June 2021. I'll do more in photography and travel with my wife and Beagles to compete in dog shows.

  • Working in an old-time neighborhood hardware store!

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • When I retire, I hope I'm physically fit enough to help with Habitat for Humanity.  I do a few Saturdays a year now and I look at the retirees who get to come every week and think "Gee, I wish that was me."

  • LadyRuna's non-technical jobs.

    High school / college age:

    • Retail job at Cotton Pickin' Ts - selling t-shirts, applying iron transfers to t-shirts
    • Order puller / stock girl at Cotton Pickin' Ts - filled boxes with blank t-shirts / sweatshirts for print orders
    • T-shirt "Catcher"at Cotton Pickin' Ts - stood at end of the dryer to inspect, count, grab, fold & box t-shirts as they were printed.
    • Craft store worker - Mom had a craft store (macrame, counted cross-stitch, silk flowers, ribbon, paints etc), she drafted me to help her at the store.
    • Dishwasher - in College dorm cafeteria
    • teacher's aid / lab tech - graded papers & set up/ cleaned up labs for Physics dept.

    After schooling: ESL teacher in Japan, substitute teacher in Floyd County, IN.

  • At some point, maybe after retiring from IT, I would love to be a train driver in the mountains. No idea what licenses will be required, but imagine getting paid to drive through scenic landscapes... 🙂

    Hakim Ali

  • I would like to teach in college, about relational databases.

  • I've had a bunch of restaurant jobs, a few of which lead into management positions.  Although I worked at at McDonald's for over 6 years and was a manager of some sort for all of that time except for 10 months, my favorite restaurant jobs have been at pizza places.  The atmosphere is more relaxed and fun.

    I also used to teach computer science at a community college.  Given my current job and the retirement that I'm in, teaching post-retirement would benefit my retirement account.

    I like helping people--particularly with technology--so with post-retirement, I would teach if the opportunity presented itself, volunteer at a grade school or high school to mentor young geeks, or help non-profits with their programming/data needs.

  • Heh... I thought the whole purpose of retirement was to not have to go to a job any more. 😀

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

    • Worked in my parents ceramics shop sweeping up, pouring molds, cleaning greenware, loading / unloading kilns.
    • Washed dishes at a couple restaurants during high school. Met some crazy and wonderful people there. I'm still friends with a lot of people in the industry (bartenders, servers, cooks).
    • Worked for Lafayette Radio selling high end stereos, electronics and installing car stereos and CBs (don't laugh, I'm old OK?)
    • Worked for a company making PABX systems. Started out building them then worked my way into Test Engineering. That was my first foray into programming. Rewrote a couple VAX-BASIC applications they had. Wrote a menu system for the shared IBM AT in the department (in C). Wrote a parts management system in FOXPro for DOS that interfaced with the CAD system to create Bill of Materials. That was probably my most fun job. I thought I'd retire from there but they closed down the facility where I lived and I didn't want to move.
    • Various software engineering jobs that lead into "accidental DBA" positions. Even though I'm a DBA now, I'm still pulled into software engineering more than I'd like to be.
    • Recording studio engineer. I'd love to spend more time there than playing in tech. Maybe in retirement.

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