The Daily Commute

  • I travel about 38 miles (61km) to the office and back each day. This journey takes approximately 1:30hrs in the morning and about 50minutes on the way home. This is terrible. Some days its taken 3.5 hours to do the journey in the morning!

    For those of you in the UK my daily commute involves travelling up/down the M62 from Manchester to Leeds!!!!

    Its the one thing that really frustrates me about my job. I love everything about it apart from the commute!

    So that got me thinking - are there any people out there with a worse drive to the office?


  • I catch a train, so no...

    However, should I decide to drive in one day then I would imagine that getting into Piccadilly Circus in the West End of London at rush hour would be less than pleasent. I can't actually think of a route that would not involve endless hours of sitting bumper to bumper.

  • I don't drive to work, but spend over an Hour on the tube (if there are no delays) and in this heat it getting a bit unberable...

  • I feel for you guys. I couldnt sit on a train/tube for an hour with no air conditioning!! Especially stood up with people barging into you all the time.


  • You soon learn to work out which trains are less crowded and at what times the newer trains with air conditioning leave the station!

    The older trains with no air con suck on hot days...If it's a hot day, I'll go grab a beer and wait for the next train that has air con!

  • I drive 20 miles which takes about 35-45 minutes in outer NW London/Hertfordshire, or I can drive to the other office which is 10 miles into W London - and that takes an hour!

    I find that if I get delayed by even 5 minutes then I start to go potty!

  • I used to drive 40 miles each way in my last job. Used to drive me nuts when there was a crash on the M3. That sucked.

    However, considering the petrol prices now, I'm kind of relieved I only pay Β£200 for train fares each month. I was spending Β£200 a month in petrol about 2 years ago. I can't imagine what it would cost me now.

    Anyways....The last commute of the weekend is starting now.....via the pub πŸ™‚

  • I drive 40 miles each way .. its like a buffer between home and work in my own world etc ! I dont mind the drive its the cost of petrol now thats making it a pain .. but thats the same for us all I guess

  • Two hours & three trains each way: Reading -> Virginia Water -> Weybridge -> Surbiton (Reading -> Basingstoke -> Surbiton as backup route). WFH two days a week so it ain't too bad. I used the tube for 15 years before moving to Reading a couple of years ago. The tube is horrible: in this day and age there are still people who appear to think that bathing once or twice a week is acceptable. Not in the summer it isn't :sick:

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  • yeah I think Id trade longer travel times for a couple of days WFH a week .. especially the way the oil worlds going

  • I'm doing about 35 miles each way here in the US. The trick I've found that works is to come in early and leave early. Avoid the common commute times. It changes the game pretty radically. Still, I wish we could convince our management team to let us telecommute at least one day a week.

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  • Hi,

    65 miles each way πŸ™ Just outside of Cambridge to North London (West on the A14 ->South on A1). It takes anywhere from 65 to 120 mins but avgs about 80 mins. Been doing it 2 years now and averaging 32,000 miles a year, poor car πŸ˜›

    It's still better than trying to commute into Cambridge which can easily take 60 mins to do 20 miles on the A14 East bound.


  • Thought I hold the record of longest commute, but I guess Karma beats me to it, my one way drive is only 46 miles. I wish we have some kind of public trnasportation in Houston, Texas, but it may be another century. the Texans drive themselves everywhere. They don't seem to like public transportation. They keep voting down all the plans for light rails and such. I live in southeast side of Houston and my office it at the far west end. It wasn't that bad until the gas price hits $4 and more per gallon recently. I guess we still fare better than you UKs folks who have been enduring high gas price much longer. I took the buses (changes buses three times per trip) and reading ebooks for a couple of months, but the much longer hours per trip negates all advantages of not-have-to-drive. and they increase the bus tickets too. well, just have to grin and bear it, I guess. Moving closer to the office is not an option, houses are much more expensive, and you will never know when you will have to look for another job some where else, again! But, I am still grateful that I am doing better than some, holding on to paying job.

  • Between Turkey Week 1989 (Thanksgiving Week in the US) to August 1993, I drove 90 miles one way to work 5 days a week. Left the house at 6:00 to get to work at 7:30. Every minute after 6:00 I left the house added 2 minutes to the other end. In good weather the commute took 1.5 to 2 hours, even longer when the weather was bad. From Dec 23, 1993 to March 5, 2005 I drove 68 miles one way 5 days a week. This commute was shorter, about 75 minutes in good weather. I did get to telecommute 1 day a week for a while, but lost that option with a change of management.

    I live in Widefield (south of Colorado Springs) and drove to Denver.

    Commute now is about 12 miles and about 20 minutes. With gas prices here around $4.00 now, even with this much shorter commute, I'd love to be able to work from home one or two days a week.


  • Well I'm lucky. It's either 3 ft to grab the laptop off the dresser and RDP downstairs, walk 75 ft downstairs to the office, or another 120ft to the basement to shoot podcasts πŸ™‚

    Maybe it's good karma from the past. I used to commute about 50 miles each way to the nuclear power plant. Did that for almost 2 years, then I got promoted and got to either drive 112 miles each way to Richmond from Va Beach, or 140 miles each way to the other nuclear plant. Did the in 96 for about 7-8 months before I found a job in Va Beach.

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