SQL Source Control

  • I have been assigned the responsibility to find a product to use for source/version control with our SQL databases.

    I have seen Red-Gate Source Control, but need to show them other options.

    Any recommendations?

  • Microsoft Team Foundation Server



    Sourcegear Vault

    I'm sure you could find others with a simple Google or Bing search.

  • this one is a great alternative. it works differently from all other solutions:


  • yonision (3/8/2012)

    this one is a great alternative. it works differently from all other solutions:


    If you surrond the url with the [ url ] and [ /url ] IFCOde tags, you make the url a hot link like this:


  • thanks... i'll remember that 🙂

  • Carol Adams (3/6/2012)

    I have been assigned the responsibility to find a product to use for source/version control with our SQL databases.

    I have seen Red-Gate Source Control, but need to show them other options.

    Any recommendations?

    Red-Gate SQL Source Control[/url] isn't actually a source code repository. It is an interface to a source code repository that works within SQL Server Management Studio to make it convenient to bring SQL Server objects under source control in a collaborative, familiar environment. You still need to pair the product with a source code repository. Source control repository products I have used in my order of preference:

    1. Microsoft Team Foundation Server - pricey but has tons of other great tools built-in besides source control, source control is only a small percentage of what it offers, great for large or distributed teams, scales up well, SQL Server backend, aligns well into Microsoft-based environments but also supports non-MS teams quite well (Eclipse plug-in)

    2. Subversion - free, only does source control, a very usable option, clients for MS and *ix

    3. Vault - not free, decent, but not great

    4. CVS - free, and worth every penny, stay away

    5. Microsoft VSS - no comment

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • We use Microsoft Visual Source Safe - I dislike it intensely! - just my opinion but one to stay away from..

    A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any invention in human history - with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila. Mitch Ratcliffe

  • Till 2007 we used to use MS Visual Source Safe for storing SQL Server objects. It was Ok, just for version control and deploying our builds.

    Then we switched to TFS. It is tightly integrated with Visual Studio and you get loads of good features of source control all well as Visual Studio combined.

    Check here for more features: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms364062(v=vs.80).aspx

  • I have used redgate source control , TFS and SVN

    TFS, -- not very user friendly but extremely powerful , links sourcecontrol to other aspect of s/w dev like agile scrum story board etc. also allows build check and native support for database projects.

    SVN very user friendly and simple to use. works directly of the file system if thats how to like to do things.

    sql source control from redgate is a add on to ssms and needs either svn or tfs to do the actual versioning.

    It may not be required unless your a large enterprise with very large database development activites going on.

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Since you are looking for options, ApexSQL has source control built into their Edit product. AFAIK they were the first to have that functionality baked into an editor.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Also take the time to consider how you plan to organize the source files themselves. Personally I've had excellent experiences with the combination of TFS and Visual Studio database projects.

  • I've used Visual Studio (2010 Ultimate) with SVN via Ankh and it's impressive. Automated deployments and unit testing. Microsoft are pushing this forward with 2012 as SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) although not with the full functionality in Visual studio as "Data Dude" has just yet. I would suggest reading the following page


    Whilst Visual Studio is costly unless you already have the appropriate MSDN license, the future appears to be SSDT with the full functionality free of charge.

  • like everyone else, these are just my opinions based on MY experience -

    Clearcase/Clearquest is expensive and apparently very difficult to configure - we had a contractor here full time for 6-8 months and it never did work.

    I used Visual Source Safe for a long time and was happy with it until I tried to combine several installations into 1... it seems that even Microsoft admmits it self-corrrupts after a certain size (don't remember exactly, but it was small, like 5-10 gigs)

    SVN is what we're using now, but I don't think it was set-up correctly either as I find it difficult to use and very unintuitive.

    just my limited experience...

  • Where I am now is using TortoiseSVN. If I remember, I let you know how well it works.

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