Removing redundant information

  • I have the following SP.



    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))

    BETWEEN Convert(VARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 101) AND GetDate() and

    mOnCallAdd.SchedName = @schedname




    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))

    BETWEEN Convert(VARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 101) AND GetDate() and

    mOnCallDelete.SchedName = @schedname

    this SP was built on a pre existing SP that showed activity based on the value of "added" or "deleted," which was simply done by these two lines:

    'Added' AS Activity,

    'Deleted' AS Activity,

    and what I'm noticing is that when I run my SP that it's returning values for both the added and deleted. I need to just show the ones that have been added, but not deleted. What would be the best way to do that with the SP that I currently have?

    Thank you

  • You'd limit the top query. Add something to the Where clause that will filter out deleted calls. It looks like that's probably going to be something on the FirstListing column, but I could easily be wrong about that detail.

    Can't get more specific without table definitions.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Table definitions are as follows:

    StartDate Int

    StartTime Int

    Firstlisting nvarchar

    duration decimal

    adddate int

    addtime int

    Do you need more than that?

  • Are you saying that both the "add" and "delete" tables have exactly the same columns? If so, what in the tables relates "Adds" to "Deletes"?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff,

    here's the original query this was built off of:



    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.AddTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.AddDate, '12/31/1899')) AS ActivityDate,

    moncallAdd.Initials as [By],

    'Added' AS Activity,


    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd




    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.AddDate, '12/31/1899') >= @sincedate AND

    mOnCallAdd.SchedName = @schedname




    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.AddTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.AddDate, '12/31/1899')) AS ActivityDate,

    mOnCallDelete.Initials as [By],

    'Deleted' AS Activity,


    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd




    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.AddDate, '12/31/1899') >= @sincedate AND

    mOnCallDelete.SchedName = @schedname


    ActivityDate DESC

    you can see where the "added" and "deleted" were defined as Activity. When I run the query that I have now, I'm showing all of the data it seems, and I simply need to see where something was "added" and don't need to see the "deleted" data.

  • If I modify my query to be this:



    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd,

    'Added' AS Activity



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))

    BETWEEN Convert(VARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 101) AND GetDate() and

    mOnCallAdd.SchedName = @schedname




    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd,

    'Deleted' AS Activity



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))

    BETWEEN Convert(VARCHAR(10), GetDate(), 101) AND GetDate() and

    mOnCallDelete.SchedName = @schedname

    and then run it, here is a sample of some of the results I get:

    HEART HOSP - MIDIDDODI 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 13:00:00.000Added

    HEART HOSP - MOORE 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Deleted

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 12:00:00.000Deleted

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 12:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Added

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 12:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Deleted

    and the only results that I want here are the results which show up as "added" and not "deleted"

  • doug 40899 (8/19/2011)

    and then run it, here is a sample of some of the results I get:

    HEART HOSP - MIDIDDODI 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 13:00:00.000Added

    HEART HOSP - MOORE 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Deleted

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 07:00:00.0002011-08-19 12:00:00.000Deleted

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 12:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Added

    NAMC - LYSON 2011-08-19 12:00:00.0002011-08-19 18:00:00.000Deleted

    and the only results that I want here are the results which show up as "added" and not "deleted"

    My apologies but that served only to confuse my meager mind even more. If you don't want any "deleted", why not just get rid of the the second part of the query from the UNION on down?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff,

    I've tried that and didn't get back all of the correct results. I did a line by line comparison for running my query with everything after the union statement removed and with the union statement left in. When I ran it without .. there were a few missing lines of data, when I ran it with the union, all of it is there.

  • doug 40899 (8/19/2011)


    I've tried that and didn't get back all of the correct results. I did a line by line comparison for running my query with everything after the union statement removed and with the union statement left in. When I ran it without .. there were a few missing lines of data, when I ran it with the union, all of it is there.

    Then I'm lost as to how to help because I thought that the only thing returned by the second part of the query were rows that were 'deleted'.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • doug 40899 (8/19/2011)


    I've tried that and didn't get back all of the correct results. I did a line by line comparison for running my query with everything after the union statement removed and with the union statement left in. When I ran it without .. there were a few missing lines of data, when I ran it with the union, all of it is there.

    It does not sound credible.

    Copy your "UNION" query and paste it right below in the same window of Query Analyzer or SSMS.

    Comment the key word "UNION" and add "DISTINCT" after each select.



    -- UNION



    Don't change anything else.

    Run all 3 queries.

    What are the number of records returned by each of these 3 queries?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    I did as you suggested, and ran all 3 queries.

    Query 1 returned 23 lines of data

    Query 2 returned 10 lines of data

    Query 3 returned 33 lines of data

    Now what I did notice is even though the OncallStartTime is within the constraints that I put on it, the OncallEndTime is sometimes before the current time. Here is an example:

    NAMC - CIPLEU2011-08-22 07:00:00.000 2011-08-22 12:00:00.000Added

    Also the requirements for this data has changed a bit. What I'm needing to do now is as follows:

    I need to be able to search for OnCallEndTime that would end past the current time but that would also match OncallStartTime before current time and lastly only present data that the activity is listed as "Added" and not deleted.

    I hope that makes sense.

    Thank you


  • Let's clear with this first:

    doug 40899 (8/19/2011)


    ... there were a few missing lines of data, when I ran it with the union, all of it is there.

    Apparently, it's not quite true:

    doug 40899 (8/22/2011)


    I did as you suggested, and ran all 3 queries.

    Query 1 returned 23 lines of data

    Query 2 returned 10 lines of data

    Query 3 returned 33 lines of data

    23+10 = 33.

    So. all line are there when you run it without UNION.

    Is it correct?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    Ok so I have this revised query now:



    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) < GETDATE()


    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) > Getdate()

    AND mOnCalladd.SchedName = 'capital neph'

    but when I run it, I'm still getting duplicate information. Here's how I know. If I run the original query I am shown this sample data:

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT 2011-08-23 07:00:00.000 2011-08-23 12:00:00.000 Deleted

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT 2011-08-23 07:00:00.000 2011-08-23 18:00:00.000 Deleted

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT 2011-08-23 07:00:00.000 2011-08-23 18:00:00.000 Added

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT 2011-08-23 07:00:00.000 2011-08-23 12:00:00.000 Added

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT 2011-08-23 07:00:00.000 2011-08-23 13:00:00.000 Added

    Leaving me with the one line on the bottom as my only "true" return. (since the add's and deleted's cancel out the other entries)

    and when I run the revised query, here is the data that I'm returned back:

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT2011-08-23 07:00:00.0002011-08-23 18:00:00.000

    BRACK & HEALTH S.- MAIDMENT2011-08-23 07:00:00.0002011-08-23 12:00:00.000

    so obviously something's not giving me the complete results and I'm not sure what. Any idea why I'm not shown just the single added entry?

    Thank you


  • doug 40899 (8/23/2011)

    Leaving me with the one line on the bottom as my only "true" return. ([font="Arial Black"]since the add's and deleted's cancel out the other entries[/font])

    AH! Now I finally understand the problem you're trying to solve.

    Take a look at the first link in my signature line below. If you'll take the time to make some "readily consumable" data for me as instructed in that article, I'll be happy to fix you up with some code (actually, someone will probably beat me to it if readily consumable data is made available) 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff,

    I've had to modify the query a bit, because now we're using the adddate and addtime to be able to eliminate duplicate data. So here's the query as it stands now:




    Dateadd(MINUTE, moncalladd.addtime,

    DateAdd(Day,moncalladd.adddate,'12/31/1899')) as AddStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd,

    'Added' AS Activity



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) < GETDATE()


    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallAdd.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) > GETDATE()

    AND mOnCallAdd.SchedName = 'capital neph') a




    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) AS OnCallStart,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) AS OnCallEnd,

    'Deleted' AS Activity



    WHERE DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899')) < GETDATE()


    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.duration,

    DATEADD(MINUTE, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallTime,

    DATEADD(DAY, mOnCallDelete.StartOnCallDate, '12/31/1899'))) > GETDATE()

    AND mOnCallDelete.SchedName = 'capital neph') b

    ON a.FirstListing = b.FirstListing

    and a.oncallstart = b.oncallstart

    and a.oncallend = b.oncallend

    and I know that I need a max clause and a group by clause but so far I've been unable to get those to work. Also here is the data as per your instructions.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#moncalladd','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #moncalladd

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #moncalladd



    StartOncallDate INT,

    StartOncallTime INT,

    Duration DECIMAL,

    Schedname NVARCHAR,

    AddTime INT,

    AddDate INT


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT #moncalladd ON

    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #moncalladd


    Select'YIUM','38490','1020','840','BITTAR&ESKEW','1293','38490',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38494','1020','900','ZZOB02','247','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38502','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38505','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38507','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38509','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38516','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38523','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38530','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38537','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38540','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38546','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38551','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38558','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38561','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38565','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CARTER, KIMBERLY','38574','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CHOUTEAU, MICHELLE','38495','1020','900','ZZOB02','249','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CHOUTEAU, MICHELLE','38498','1020','900','ZZOB02','250','38491',UNION ALL

    Select'CHOUTEAU, MICHELLE','38503','1020','900','ZZOB02','250','38491'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    I have LOTS more data if that isn't enough.

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