Please help me improve the performance of this query

  • Greetings,

    I'm new to SQL and trying to figure out why this query takes so long to return results. I'm sure there's something I've done that's inefficient. If I comment out the last condition "and vru.Full_User_Name0 IN (@Assignee)", it returns results instantly. Otherwise it takes 3 minutes. Thanks for any help!

    declare @locale as varchar(25); set @locale = 'User!Language'

    declare @lcid as int; set @lcid = dbo.fn_LShortNameToLCID(@locale)

    declare @Machine_Class as varchar(25); set @Machine_Class = 'Server'

    declare @Vendor as varchar(25); set @Vendor = 'Microsoft'

    declare @Assignee as varchar(25); set @Assignee = 'Smith, John'

    select distinct vrs.Name0 AS 'Machine_Name'

    , vru.Full_User_Name0 AS 'Assignee'

    , vgs.SystemRole0 AS 'Machine_Class'

    , vrs.Operating_System_Name_and0 AS 'OS'

    , UI.BulletinID AS 'Bulletin_ID'

    , vnd.CategoryInstanceName AS 'Vendor'

    , cls.CategoryInstanceName AS 'Classification'

    , UI.Title AS 'Title'

    , CASE ui.Severity

    WHEN 10 THEN 'Critical'

    WHEN 8 THEN 'Important'

    WHEN 6 THEN 'Moderate'

    WHEN 2 THEN 'Low'

    ELSE 'Undefined'

    END AS 'Severity'

    , UI.DatePosted AS 'Release_Date'

    , DATEDIFF("day",ui.DatePosted,GETDATE()) AS 'Release_Age'

    , UI.DateRevised AS 'Last_Revised_Date'

    , DATEDIFF("day",ui.DateRevised,GETDATE()) AS 'Last_Revised_Age'

    , UCS.LastStatusChangeTime AS 'Last_Status_Change'

    , UI.IsDeployed AS 'IsDeployed'

    from v_Update_ComplianceStatus UCS

    join v_R_System vrs on UCS.ResourceID = vrs.ResourceID

    join v_GS_System vgs on UCS.ResourceID = vgs.ResourceID

    left join v_R_User vru on vru.Distinguished_Name0 = vrs.managedBy0

    join v_UpdateInfo UI on UCS.CI_ID = UI.CI_ID

    join fn_CICategoryInfo_All(@lcid) vnd on vnd.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID and vnd.CategoryTypeName='Company'

    join fn_CICategoryInfo_All(@lcid) cls on cls.CI_ID=ui.CI_ID and cls.CategoryTypeName='UpdateClassification'

    join v_UpdateDeploymentSummary UDS on UCS.CI_ID = UDS.CI_ID

    where UCS.Status = '2'

    and vgs.SystemRole0 IN (@Machine_Class)

    and vnd.CategoryInstanceName IN (@Vendor)

    and vru.Full_User_Name0 IN (@Assignee)

  • Did you look at the execution plan for the SQL statement? It should tell you where the problems are.

    If you're using scalar functions in there, then that could be a problem.

  • Yes, I included the execution plan. There is an icon called 'Key Lookup (Clustered)' that accounts for 68% of the cost.

    Physical Operation: Key Lookup

    Logical Operation: Key Lookup

    Actual/Estimated Execution Modes: Row

    Storage: RowStore

    Actual number of rows: 1594

    Estimated number of rows: 541,558

    Ordered: True

    Node ID: 57

  • To be honest, there is a lot that can be going on in this query, including some things that won't work as you expect them do work.

    First, a casual glance at the code reveals that you are joining multiple views together. Since we can't see what you see it is hard to know if these views are a each a simple view built over a single table or if each view is in its self a query of multiple views or tables.

    Second, since you didn't post the execution plan (as a .sqlplan) we have no way of knowing what is going on either.

    What you really need to do is post the DLL for the views and tables including the indexes on the tables, the execution plan for the query involved.

    You should read the second article I reference in my signature block, it will show you what we need and how to post it to help with performance issues.

  • Mike Frazer (4/13/2016)

    Yes, I included the execution plan. There is an icon called 'Key Lookup (Clustered)' that accounts for 68% of the cost.

    Physical Operation: Key Lookup

    Logical Operation: Key Lookup

    Actual/Estimated Execution Modes: Row

    Storage: RowStore

    Actual number of rows: 1594

    Estimated number of rows: 541,558

    Ordered: True

    Node ID: 57

    As Lynn already stated we need some actual details to provide some actual help. You have view after view after view and then a couple of table valued functions. Those functions could potentially be a performance problem. So could all of the views. Do those views pull data from other views? This is called nested views and they are plain evil. The are a maintenance nightmare and the performance is unbelievably bad. It seems so logical but nested views will kill performance.

    From the snippet of your execution plan here it seems that you very likely have some stale statistics which can severely hamper performance. Can't tell how to update the stats in this case because you didn't provide enough details.


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  • You're also calling a function twice. If that's a multi-statement table function, that might be causing problems.

    Your clause "and vru.Full_User_Name0 IN (@Assignee)" is causing that your left join becomes an inner join. You might want to review that logic.

    As mentioned before, you need to provide more information. Lynn has this article on his signature, but if you didn't see it, here it is again to know what you need to post and how.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Often a query as complex (and potentially WICKEDLY suboptimal) can take many hours to tune. Fortunately for you there seems to be a magic-bullet: and vru.Full_User_Name0 IN (@Assignee)

    So with some more information from you about that (and ALL of the things it hits) we may be able to help you without the full definitions of all of the stuffs in play here.

    BTW, UDFs (Scalar and Multi-statement Table Valued Functions) are UNBELIEVABLY BAD!!!! If you want some details, grab a copy of the SQL Server MVP Deep Dives 2 book (proceeds go to charity) and read my chapter entitled "Death by UDF". It's the best chapter in the book!! 😎

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • This is a major tuning effort. I'd definitely be able to say more if I could see the execution plan. However, the other comments, JOINs on views, what appears to be multi-statement UDF's, and this: IN (@Assignee), are all very likely leading to the root cause of your poor performance. These are very common code smells.

    And Kevin's chapter in the MVP Deep Dives book is the second best one. Mine on parameter sniffing is the best. 😛

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • How do I post the execution plan? Do you want me to post the text of it here? I don't see an option to upload it to this thread.

  • When you reply to the thread, check the lower-right of the window. Button called "Edit Attachments".

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thank you...attached.

    Edit: I added the DDL for the related objects as scripts.txt

  • Like I said, I would rather see the code of the UDF and the objects it hits more than the query plan in this (very rare) case since when you take it out you have great performance.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Mike Frazer (4/14/2016)

    Thank you...attached.

    Edit: I added the DDL for the related objects as scripts.txt

    Quick look at the script file. Looks like you have nested views in the views. No code for the functions. No code for the tables or indexes either.

  • Mike Frazer (4/14/2016)

    Thank you...attached.

    Edit: I added the DDL for the related objects as scripts.txt

    Those nested views are going to kill your performance something fierce. They seem so logical but in reality they are plain evil. Check out this article on the topic. You will have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the part about nested views.[/url]


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  • Sean Lange (4/14/2016)

    Mike Frazer (4/14/2016)

    Thank you...attached.

    Edit: I added the DDL for the related objects as scripts.txt

    Those nested views are going to kill your performance something fierce. They seem so logical but in reality they are plain evil. Check out this article on the topic. You will have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see the part about nested views.[/url]

    The concept of code reuse makes sense. In practice in SQL Server, it is a killer.

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