need help with query

  • Hello all,

    Can someone suggests the following:

    I have an Employee table with 3 fields:




    When Client_Rep starts his job,

    Begin_Work in Employee table is being updated and

    when he finishes his job

    End_Work in Employee table is being updated.

    During the day the table looks like that:

    Client_Rep         Begin_Work       End_Work

    Vitalio Arini         9.00                    9.45

    Vitalio Arini         10.00                   12.00

    Nino Verto          8.30                    11.00

    Vitalio Arini         14.30                   17.00

    Nino Verto          15.00                   17.00   

    Ken Coles            9.00                    12.30

    Ken Coles            13.00                  17.00


    Client_Rep suppose to have only 1hr break. How can I write a query to find out who has break for more then 1 hr.


  • Hi

    Use DATEDIFF function.

    SELECT * from Employee

    from employee


    DATEDIFF(Hour, Begin_Work   ,    End_Work) >= 1

  • Thank you,

    I won't work. I have to, somehow, check the difference betwen End_work of the previous entry with Begin_work for the next entry for the same employee.

    Any other ideas?

  • Barsuk,

    Are you stuck with and existing table or are you still developping?

    this structure implies that you have some method for putting the entries in order so that you always have the exact previous record then you will have to have a cursor and scroll through setting the previous end time then comparing to the current start time.....all very klunky.


    if you can still change the table I would.  I would put the times into a seperate table with a column for the type of time it is and also a date column to have a way to sort them.


    HTH tal McMahon

    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Thanks Tal for your response,

    This is pretty much the existing structure and I cannot make any changes to it! What can I do is to create a temp table based on the existing structure-the one you just mentioned.

    Any idea how to write the code then?


  • just to get it straight. you want the time from his last shift end to his next shift start?


    and you have some method to get the entries in correct order?


    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Hi Tal,

    I rearrange the table slightly ( which can be done in #temp)

    Well. What I am trying to do is the following.

    Client_Rep         Begin_Work       End_Work

    Vitalio Arini         9.00                     9.45

    Vitalio Arini         10.00                   12.00

    Vitalio Arini         14.30                   17.00

    Nino Verto          8.30                    11.00

    Nino Verto          15.00                   17.00   

    Ken Coles            9.00                    12.30

    Ken Coles            13.00                  17.00

    Ken Coles has only half on hour break. So I don't need him.

    Vitalio has 2 breaks. First 15 minues break (10 am - 9.45 am) which I don't need and 2nd break- 2.5 hours (14.30-12) which I need some how to catch.

    Nino has 4 hours break. I need to catch too.

    If the method you mentioned is the only -then that is what I need.

    I was trying to solve it with subquery, but got stuck.



  • sorry, I cannot think of any easy way with a subquery,  what you have is a mess

    I have never seen a good way to compare details from different rows and different columns with a subquery. 

    I hope your tables are not that large cuz it is kludge code you are going to need

    Good luck.



    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • My table is relatively small.

    So any idea(s) how to tackle this without subquery.

    Cursor maybe or another solution.

    Someone must have done it before!


  • Any Gury around???

  • Barsuk (heck of a handle there),

    First, I hope your times look like 12:30 and not 12.30 or we'll have to do a bit more wittling...

    The key to the problem is the sort order of names and times in relation to an "ID" field.  So... the first step is to dump the data into a clearly defined temp table in the correct order.  The rest is "elementary:...

    CREATE TABLE dbo.#MyTemp (

     ID int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     Client_Rep varchar (20) NULL ,

     Begin_Work datetime NULL ,

     End_Work datetime NULL)


    SELECT Client_Rep,Begin_Work,End_Work

      FROM Employee

     ORDER BY Client_Rep,Begin_Work,End_Work

    SELECT t1.Client_Rep,



           DATEDIFF(mi,0,t1.Begin_Work-t2.End_Work) AS BreakMinutes

      FROM #MyTemp t1,

           #MyTemp t2

     WHERE t1.ID=t2.ID+1

       AND t1.Client_Rep=t2.Client_Rep

       AND DATEDIFF(mi,0,t1.Begin_Work-t2.End_Work)>60

    DROP TABLE #MyTemp

    Hope that's "Gury" enough   And, look Ma! No CURSOR!

    You can also do away with the CREATE TABLE like this...

    SELECT IDENTITY (INT,1,1) AS ID,Client_Rep,Begin_Work,End_Work
      INTO #MyTemp

      FROM Employee

     ORDER BY Client_Rep,Begin_Work,End_Work

    SELECT t1.Client_Rep,



           DATEDIFF(mi,0,t1.Begin_Work-t2.End_Work) AS BreakMinutes

      FROM #MyTemp t1,

           #MyTemp t2

     WHERE t1.ID=t2.ID+1

       AND t1.Client_Rep=t2.Client_Rep

       AND DATEDIFF(mi,0,t1.Begin_Work-t2.End_Work)>60


    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks Jeff!

    You are really a GURU!


    PRIMARY KEY(Client_Rep,Begin_Work))

    INSERT #work(Client_Rep,Begin_Work,End_Work)

    SELECT 'Vitalio Arini','9:00','9:45' UNION

    SELECT 'Vitalio Arini','10:00','12:00' UNION

    SELECT 'Vitalio Arini','14:30','17:00' UNION

    SELECT 'Nino Verto','8:30','11:00' UNION

    SELECT 'Nino Verto','15:00','17:00' UNION

    SELECT 'Ken Coles','9:00','12:30' UNION

    SELECT 'Ken Coles','13:00','17:00'

    SELECT * FROM #work


     *, DATEDIFF(MINUTE,End_Work,Return_Work) AS Break_In_Minutes


    ( SELECT




     MIN( w2.Begin_Work ) AS Return_Work


     #work w1 JOIN #work w2

      ON w1.Client_Rep = w2.Client_Rep

      AND w1.End_Work < w2.Begin_Work

      AND FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,w1.Begin_Work)) = FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,w2.Begin_Work))




     w1.End_Work ) AS give_me_a_break


     DATEDIFF(MINUTE,End_Work,Return_Work) > 60





     (SELECT MIN(Begin_Work) FROM #work inrwrk

     WHERE inrwrk.Client_Rep = outrwrk.Client_Rep AND inrwrk.Begin_Work > outrwrk.End_Work

     AND FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,inrwrk.Begin_Work)) = FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,outrwrk.Begin_Work))) AS Return_Work,

     DATEDIFF(MINUTE,outrwrk.End_Work,(SELECT MIN(Begin_Work) FROM #work inrwrk

     WHERE inrwrk.Client_Rep = outrwrk.Client_Rep AND inrwrk.Begin_Work > outrwrk.End_Work

     AND FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,inrwrk.Begin_Work)) = FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,outrwrk.Begin_Work)))) AS Break_In_Minutes


     #work outrwrk


     DATEDIFF(MINUTE,outrwrk.End_Work,(SELECT MIN(Begin_Work) FROM #work inrwrk

     WHERE inrwrk.Client_Rep = outrwrk.Client_Rep AND inrwrk.Begin_Work > outrwrk.End_Work

     AND FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,inrwrk.Begin_Work)) = FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,outrwrk.Begin_Work)))) > 60

    DROP TABLE #work


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Sorry,

    Didn't notice there were several pages at first...

    Oh well at least skipped the temporary tables

    And for explanation:

    The FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,w1.Begin_Work)) = FLOOR(CONVERT(FLOAT,w2.Begin_Work) stuff,

    is just to make sure we are comparing times on the same day.

    We do have a problem if they have breaks around midnight .. though



    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Rockmoose,

    >We do have a problem if they have breaks around midnight .. though

    Yeah, I had the same problem and decided that it wasn't so bad to use a temp table just for that reason.  Could have used the new "table variable" type but people forget that that's a resource (memory) hog, too.  Guess it depends on what you value the most.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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