mamory status big diffrence

  • Hi,

    wen i check the memory status there is a difference in some area i can remove the proc cache but i dnt know abut the other ...please provoide me ur suggestion..

    windows x64 ...sql standard version 14 gb ram ... i hav attach the memory status file before and afther the process.

  • waitin for the reply plz .....

  • Hi,

    I guess we are actually wishing to discuss memory here 🙂

    May I suggest you take a look at the following thread.


  • this is not helpful for me..... jeff or ny one more suggestions..

  • Hi,

    Can you please re-explain exactly what your issue is?


  • this is the momory status before and after the our process i can check the proc cache and sys cache but i dnt know wat need to be done wen like MEMORYCLERK_SQLSTORENG (Total) and all are high in after the process ....

    secondly we are having sqlserver 32 bit standard edition and windows x64 ..

    14 GB ram

    so do i hav to enable AWE..... in configure it is zero ...

    As i check the counters total memory and target memory are same ..... it show 3 gb utilization while our process is on...

    i hav given 10 gb to sql... page file size 4 gb ..

    Wat shud i do m really counfused...

    one more thing do i hav to enable lock pages memory

  • John thkz for the reply ... plz provide ur suggestions

  • Hi,

    So you are currently running.

    1. Windows Server 64 bit?

    2. SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition(32 bit)?

    What Edition of Windows Server are you running Enterprise/Standard?


  • Enterpise...Edition,................ Sam

  • waiting for the reply..

  • If we see

    Buffer Counts Buffers

    ------------------------------ --------------------

    Committed 329376

    Target 443784

    Committed (in use) - 329376 * 8 / 1024 = 2573,25 MB

    Target (can use to)- 443784 * 8 / 1024 = 3467,06 MB

    I THINK you have to enable awe because you sql server is 32 bits ( I really not sure about this in w2k3 64 and sql2k5 32) in order to use all RAM. set max and min memory (leave 2 GB to SO)

    Enable Lock pages in memory to sql server account too.

    $hell your Experience !!![/url]

  • As you are using a 32bit version of SQL Server on a 64 bit operating system, you need to enable AWE in order to use memory above 4GB.

    You also need to give the 'Lock Pages in Memory' permission to the SQL Server service, Service Account.

    Once both of these items have been completed, you will need to re-start the SQL Server Service in order for AWE memory allocation to take effect.

    After the restart of the service, you can review the SQL Server Log file and look for the text:

    "Address Windowing Extensions is enabled. This is an informational message only; no user action is required."

    in order to confirm that AWE has been enabled.

    Finally look at the apporpriate performance counters once again in order to confirm the use of memory.

  • how do i do this ......'Lock Pages in Memory' permission to the SQL Server service.

  • samsql (4/7/2009)

    how do i do this ......'Lock Pages in Memory' permission to the SQL Server service.

    Rather, provide the permission to the SQL Server Service, Service Account i.e. the Windows Account that the SQL Server Service runs under.

  • my sqlserver services runs under local account .... so i hav to add that user in lock memory as it ask for this

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